Page Zipper is a tool to aid in the document capture process. It is designed to merge (zip) right and left captured pages of books.
Page Zipper takes input from two folders, for the left and right pages, merges the pages like a zipper (right, left, right, left, right, left), and saves the images in a specified output directory.
At the Shelby County Museum & Archive we had been capturing images of the old courthouse records for over a year without a problem. We then encountered books too large to take pictures of! And we couldn't move the books side to side without damaging them.
We decided that capturing the right and left pages separately would be the easiest way to proceed. Page Zipper was created to merge the left and right pages together.
The Input
tab contains two image thumbnail viewers. Page zipper takes two folders for input, one for left pages, and one for right pages. It assumes that the right page (cover) will go first.
To choose a folder, click Browse
. Navigate and select the directory containing the images to zip. Repeat for the other side.
Select pages by clicking on the thumbnails. Select pages and click Group
to group a set of pages together. Grouped pages will maintain the same order after the merge.
Click Ungroup
after selecting a group to ungroup a set of pages.
In the Output
tab a preview of the output is shown in order.
Specify an output directory by clicking Browse
. A filename prefix can also be set. Click Save
to save the files to the specified output directory.
In the Utilities
tab there is a renamer. It allows a numerical rename of files in a folder.
The renamer also supports a filename prefix.
Clicking Rename
will create a new folder in the same location as the chosen folder. Its name will be <folder_name>_renamed
The Help
tab has a link to this readme, a support email, and a link to report issues.
pip install pyinstaller
To build a Windows executable
pyinstaller -F -n "Page Zipper v1.1" --add-data="icon.ico;." --icon="icon.ico"
The executable file will be found in the dist directory
for rebuilds
pyinstaller "Page Zipper v1.1.spec"