The Stack Exchange chat network does not provide an official API. This package aims to bridge that gap for Go applications by providing a simple interface with native Go primitives (channels, etc.).
As go-sechat grows, more and more chat functionality is exposed through the package. Here's a list of just some of the things go-sechat can do:
- Run completely headless with no UI or embedded browser
- Login using Stack Exchange credentials
- Maintain a persistent connection to the chat server; reauthenticating, pausing, and reconnecting when a failure occurs
- Join, create, leave, and invite users to rooms
- Perform basic chat activities, such as posting and starring messages
- Receive a stream of all events from rooms that have been joined
- Intelligently retry failed messages when throttling occurs
- Upload images to
To use the package in an application, simply import it:
import ""
Examples are provided in the package documentation.