An all purpose discord bot that can perform a variety of useful functions. For example,
- Display a full-size picture of a target users avatar
- Change/reset a target users nickname in the particular server
- Generate a random number between two given bounds
- Flip a coin and print the result
- Play a song based off a given song title, lyrics, or other identifying factor
- Pause/Resume the song, or skip the song
- Save a playlist by uploading a public spotify playlist link
- List all playlists or songs in a playlist
- Add or delete songs in a playlist
- Play the playlist with the same features as normal music playing, shuffle is on automatically
The bot will automatically search the given input and find the most relevant video in respect to the search, and then plays the desired audio. By uploading a spotify playlist, the bot makes use of spotify's API to search for the playlist and create a txt file of song names and authors to accurately play each desired song.