- Seattle, WA
- in/nathanjblack
Parse JSON without risk of losing numeric information
A high-level browser automation library.
Development and Hot Reload Middleware for Koa2
☕ Run Mocha tests using headless Google Chrome
Run your mocha tests in headless chrome using puppeteer
Chrome Debugging Protocol interface for Node.js
A robust reconnecting WebSocket client for the browser
Make your listbox compliant with aria-listbox with keyboard and mouse support.
gb plugin to generate a .sublime-project file for use with GoSublime and Sublime Text
Hide knockout observables behind ES5 properties - no WeakMap needed.
DOM assertions for the Chai assertion library using vanilla JavaScript
Extends Chai with assertions for the CasperJS/PhantomJS headless browser.
A scriptable browser like PhantomJS, based on Firefox
CasperJS is no longer actively maintained. Navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS
A drag and drop binding for Knockout.
A set of libraries for CQRS and Event Sourcing, with a Domain-Driven Design flavor.
JSON.stringify <-> JSON.parse your objects in a friendly readable query string format
The .NET Core command-line (CLI) tools, used for building .NET Core apps and libraries through your development flow (compiling, NuGet package management, running, testing, ...).
A Knockout binding for easily animating elements via CSS3 animations
A lightweight and powerful select alternative to let users choose items from many options
EXPERIMENTAL: Cross browser compatible KeyboardEvent dispatcher