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Merge pull request #42 from nathanbowness/processing-performance-updates
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Update notebooks with the latest radar processing.
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nathanbowness authored Nov 5, 2024
2 parents 5e3e4de + cf4aab4 commit b0a16c3
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Showing 7 changed files with 65,646 additions and 1,484 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion fd_data_analysis_tracking.ipynb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2761,7 +2761,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.10.14"
"version": "3.11.9"
"nbformat": 4,
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2440,7 +2440,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.10.14"
"version": "3.11.9"
"nbformat": 4,
Expand Down
184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions radar/matlab/TD_DataAnalysis_WithSFCGain_AndPolarPlot.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
clc; clear all;
close all;

mainfolder = cd;
folderlist = dir([mainfolder, '\Data\2024-10-18*']);

%%%%% For recording Oct18_CFAR_Dist1p3meter: folderSelectorCntr=1,
%%%%% For recording Oct18_CFAR_Dist5p0meter: folderSelectorCntr=2,
%%%%% For recording Oct18_CFAR_Dist15p0meter: folderSelectorCntr=3,
%%%%% For recording Oct18_CFAR_Dist29p0meter: folderSelectorCntr=4,
%%%%% For recording Oct18_CFAR_Dist20p0meter: folderSelectorCntr=5,
folderSelectorCntr = 4;

% CFAR Detector setup
detector = phased.CFARDetector('Method','CA','NumTrainingCells',10, ...
'NumGuardCells',4,'ThresholdFactor','Custom', ...
'CustomThresholdFactor',4,'ThresholdOutputPort',true, ...

% Video setup
v = VideoWriter('Oct18_CFAR_Voltage_UsingTD-Nov3rd.avi');
v.FrameRate = 5;

fc = 24.35e9;
c = 3e8;
d = 6.25e-3;
bin_size = 199.939e-3;
max_range = 512*bin_size;

% Define range vector for the bins, assuming each bin corresponds to a specific distance
range_vector = (0:511) * 199.939e-3; % Adjust based on your range resolution

% Calculate the SFC gain (R^2 amplitude curve)
SFC_gain = range_vector.^2;

foldername = ['.\Data\', folderlist(folderSelectorCntr).name, '\TD\'];
files_list = dir([mainfolder, foldername, '*.txt']);

% Create figure handles before the loop
polar_fig = figure; % Handle for the polar plot figure
cartesian_fig = figure; % Handle for the Cartesian plot figure

for cntr2 = 1:length(files_list)
% Open the text file
filename = files_list(cntr2).name;
time_second(cntr2) = str2num(filename(end-9:end-4));
fileID = fopen([mainfolder, foldername, filename], 'r');

% Skip metadata
for i = 1:17

% Read data
data = textscan(fileID, '%f %f %f %f', 'HeaderLines', 1);

% Extract I1, Q1, I2, Q2 data as 1024x1 matrices
I1 = data{1};
Q1 = data{2};
I2 = data{3};
Q2 = data{4};

I1_fft = fft(I1, 1024);
Q1_fft = fft(Q1, 1024);
I2_fft = fft(I2, 1024);
Q2_fft = fft(Q2, 1024);

% uncomment to apply window
%window = hann(length(Q1));
%I1_fft = fft(I1 .* window, 1024);
%Q1_fft = fft(Q1 .* window, 1024);
%I2_fft = fft(I2 .* window, 1024);
%Q2_fft = fft(Q2 .* window, 1024);

I1_fft = I1_fft(1:512);
Q1_fft = Q1_fft(1:512);
I2_fft = I2_fft(1:512);
Q2_fft = Q2_fft(1:512);

% Calculate phase difference between the receivers Rx1 and Rx2 before
% SFC gain is added
phase_diff = angle(I1_fft .* conj(I2_fft)); % Element-wise phase difference between FFTs
angles = asind((phase_diff * c) / (2 * pi * d * fc)); % Resulting angle vector
angles = max(min(angles, 90), -90);

% Apply SFC gain to each FFT output
I1_fft = I1_fft .* SFC_gain';
Q1_fft = Q1_fft .* SFC_gain';
I2_fft = I2_fft .* SFC_gain';
Q2_fft = Q2_fft .* SFC_gain';

% Optionally exclude the first FFT bin
I1_fft(1) = 0;
Q1_fft(1) = 0;
I2_fft(1) = 0;
Q2_fft(1) = 0;

% Calculate amplitude in dBm and phase in degrees
I1_amp = abs(I1_fft); % Amplitude for I1
I1_phase = rad2deg(angle(I1_fft)); % Phase in degrees for I1

Q1_amp = abs(Q1_fft); % Amplitude for Q1
Q1_phase = rad2deg(angle(Q1_fft)); % Phase in degrees for Q1

I2_amp = abs(I2_fft); % Amplitude for I2
I2_phase = rad2deg(angle(I2_fft)); % Phase in degrees for I2

Q2_amp = abs(Q2_fft); % Amplitude for Q2
Q2_phase = rad2deg(angle(Q2_fft)); % Phase in degrees for Q2
x1= I1_amp.*exp(1i*deg2rad(I1_phase))+(Q1_amp.*exp(1i*deg2rad(Q1_phase)));
x2= I2_amp.*exp(1i*deg2rad(I2_phase))+(Q2_amp.*exp(1i*deg2rad(Q2_phase)));

% Now proceed with CFAR detection and plotting as in the original code
% Here we use the I1_amp and I1_phase for CFAR detection
[x_detected, th] = detector(abs(x1), 1:length(x1));

% Print detections to the console
detected_distances = find(x_detected) * 199.939e-3; % Calculate distances for each detection
fprintf('Detections for file %s:\n', filename);

% Initialize arrays for polar plot data as empty row vectors
polar_distances = []; % To store radial distances for the polar plot
polar_angles = []; % To store angles in radians for the polar plot

for i = 1:length(detected_distances)
detection_indices = find(x_detected, i); % Get indices of each detection

for j = 1:length(detection_indices) % Loop over multiple detections, if any
detection_index = detection_indices(j); % Access each detection index
detection_value_dB = db(abs(x1(detection_index))); % Get detection level in dB
angle_i = angles(detection_index); % Get the angle for the detection

fprintf(' - Distance: %.2f meters, Amplitude: %.2f dB, Angle: %.2f degrees\n', ...
detected_distances(i), detection_value_dB, angle_i);

% Store for polar plot (convert angle_i to radians)
polar_distances = [polar_distances, detected_distances(i)]; % Append scalar distance
polar_angles = [polar_angles, deg2rad(angle_i)]; % Append scalar angle in radians

% Polar Plot for the detections
figure(polar_fig); % Use existing polar figure
clf; % Clear previous plot

polarplot(polar_angles, polar_distances, 'k*', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'LineWidth', 2);
title('Radar Detections - Polar Plot');

% Set angular and radial limits
thetalim([-90 90]); % Limit angle range from -90° to 90°, with 0° pointing upwards
rlim([0, max_range]); % Set max range to max radar distance

% Customize radial and angular ticks
thetaticks(-90:30:90); % Set angle ticks every 30 degrees within the limited range

% Point the polar plot north
set(gca, 'ThetaZeroLocation', 'top'); % Set 0° to be at the top
set(gca, 'ThetaDir', 'counterclockwise'); % Ensure angles increase counterclockwise

% Enable grid for better readability
grid on;

% Cartesian Plot for CFAR detection results
figure(cartesian_fig); % Use existing Cartesian figure
clf; % Clear previous plot
hold all;
plot((1:length(x1)) * bin_size, db(abs(x1)), 'LineWidth', 2);
plot((1:length(x1)) * bin_size, db(th), 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(find(x_detected) * bin_size, db(abs(x1(x_detected))), 'k*', 'LineWidth', 3);
grid on;
legend('Signal', 'CFAR Threshold From FD Data', 'Detections', 'Location', 'southeast');
xlabel('Distance (meter)');
ylabel('Level (dB)');
ylim([-20, 80]);
frame = getframe(gcf);
writeVideo(v, frame);

% Close the video

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