Using Sencha Touch, when you try to load a long list of item with images (variable heights) inside, it will takes time to load all the images. Therefore, at the beginning, there is lag when you scrolls (before done loading)
Sencha Touch 2.1 helps by adding 'infinite' for list. This will help you by only rendering the needed item in View Port. However, with 'infinite:true', your list item height might be wrong if the images are not loaded.
By combining infinite feature of Sencha Touch list and fix the container of the image, we can make it load correctly using infinite.
Do note that this means you need to pass back the width & height (or ratio height/width) from server
Sample data:
{ src: '', width: 400, height: 200},
{ src: '', width: 400, height: 200 },
{ src: '', width: 400, height: 200 }
Adding lazy load effect will help smoothen the user experience when scroll through list
Here is the Demo
There are 3 tabs:
- Normal List: A bit lag when scroll right at the beginning
- Infinite List: Layout was messed up
- Infinite Lazyload: Lazyloading the images along the way
Use infinitelist as your xtype, override itemTpl if neccessary
xtype: 'infinitelist',
store: 'imagestore',
'<div class="infinite-item">' +
'<div class="wrapper" style="position: relative; width:100%; padding-bottom: {[100*values.height/values.width]}%; background-color:#eee; border: 1px solid #aaa">' +
'<div class="inner" style="position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0 ">' +
'<img style="width: 100%; opacity:0; transition: opacity 3s" data-src="{src}" />' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
- Initially, I wanted to use painted to wire all the lazyload handler. However, using 'infinite list', getViewItems cannot be used to retrieve all list items as painted triggered. Therefore, I ended up overriding onScrollBinder for this purpose.