A mod of "Keep talking and Nobody Explodes" with enhancements and running on browser
Before you begin, setup your laptop by following the tutorials in https://heaps.io/documentation The steps for starting this game are:
- Download the code
- Launch VisualStudio Code and open the project from the main menu File > Open Folder
- Compile the code by doing Ctrl+Shift+B and then choose "haxe: active configuration"
- Fix the compiled code to use the right webgl ID. Go to bin directory and find this line in the JS files:
canvas = window.document.getElementById("webgl");
Replace "webgl" with the right values as given below:
compwires.js -- "webgl4"
maze.js -- "webgl3"
mem2.js -- "webgl10"
mem3.js -- "webgl11"
mez2.js -- "webgl7"
mez3.js -- "webgl8"
mez4.js -- "webgl9"
module1.js -- leave it at "webgl"
module2.js -- "webgl2"
needy1.js -- "webgl12"
needy2.js -- "webgl13"
needy3.js -- "webgl16"
needy4.js -- "webgl17"
needy5.js -- "webgl18"
nms1.js -- "webgl19"
wrs2.js -- "webgl6"
wrs3.js -- "webgl14"
wrs4.js -- "webgl15"
wrsr.js -- "webgl5"
- Launch the game in the browser by clicking F5 and choose "Launch index.html"
- Login with any team name and password listed in the users.js file. For example, "XTNT" and password "361988"
The game can be published to surge. Follow the instructions at https://surge.sh/help/getting-started-with-surge. Once it is published, you can access the game using the URL it auto created, like https://ambiguous-slope.surge.sh/
There are two types of modules:
- Needy modules: They need to be solved before the time runs out. If you fail to solve them, then points will be deducted. However they do not add to the score when you solve them. Make sure you solve them on time to avoid loss of points.
- Regular modules: Solving them will add to your score.
Five different game modes are supported. Specify the mode as the query parameter ?r=<mode>
. For example:
https://ambiguous-slope.surge.sh/?r=sp -- Single player practice round
https://ambiguous-slope.surge.sh/?r=sg -- Single player game round
https://ambiguous-slope.surge.sh/?r=mp1 - Multi player practice round 1
https://ambiguous-slope.surge.sh/?r=mp2 - Multi player practice round 2
https://ambiguous-slope.surge.sh/?r=mg - Multi player game round.
https://ambiguous-slope.surge.sh -- Multi player game round is the default if r is not specified
The following variables in the config.js
file are different for each round.
To set the game time for that round:
gameTime = 5; -- 5 minutes
gameTimeDisplay = "00:05:00"; -- change this accordingly
Time in seconds when the module must be respawned:
respawnTime = 5;
List of modules to be enabled for that round:
moduleList = ["ned2Div", "ned3Div", "ned4Div", "ned5Div"];
Modules will start to show up in the order listed here. The time delay between the modules is 3 seconds. This can be changed in the users.js
var interval = 3000; // delay (in milliseconds)
By default, the points gained and the penalty points for each module is defined in the index.html
file. For example:
<p id="needyPt" class="d-none">0</p>
<p id="needyPn" class="d-none">15</p>
You can change this value depending on the game mode. For example, for the single player mode, we ca allow players to gain points by solving needy modules:
document.getElementById("needyPt").innerHTML = 20; -- Points gained on success
document.getElementById("needyPn").innerHTML = 0; -- Penalty points on fail
document.getElementById("ned2Points").innerHTML = "+20"; -- Change the points displayed on browser
document.getElementById("ned2Penalty").innerHTML = "0 points"; -- Change the points displayed on browser
When changing the points gained or the penalty points in config.js, ensure that the display values are also updated so that the player knows the rules for that mode.
The game rules displayed on the login screen for each round is specified in the index.html
file. For example:
<p id="rulesSP" ...>
The file users.js
has the list of players and teams.
To add individual players for trial rounds, add entries without password:
userMap.set("player1@gmail.com", "");
To add teams for the actual tournament, add the team name and some random password:
userMap.set("Team1", "135095");
To change the logo displayed on the login screen, edit this URL in the config.js
var clientLogo = "https://lsb.edu.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/cropped-Legacy-Logo-2013-14.png";
As the game is played, the messages are sent to the database. To change the location of the DB, change the Send()
function in the Log.hx
type: "POST",
url: "https://<db url>/ktne-base",
contentType: "application/json",
To add additional data to be sent to the DB, create hidden fields in index.html like below and set the value in that field.
<input type="hidden" id="player" value="">
The Send() method can then access this field like:
var playerName = Browser.document.getElementById("player").getAttribute("value");
This value can be included in the JSON sent to the DB.