A project to create the 737 MAX series for FlightGear, the free flight simulator.
This plane is still under construction, and is not flyable at the present moment. If you'd like to help with the development process, please let me know with the info at the bottom.
- Austin Tallent (falconbird16) - 3D
- Braindamage - 3D
- Captain Jake - 3D modelling
- Israel Emmanuel(naviat) - Systems, Animations
- Joshua Davidson (Octal450) - FDM
- Marsdolphin - Systems
- Semir Gebran (CaptB) - 3D modelling, testing
- SP-NTX - 3D modelling
- And many, many others!
A big thanks to all FlightGear developers, especially those of the 737-800YV, 787, A320, and MD-11. Your work has been crucial to the progress of this aircraft and FlightGear in general. Thanks for your efforts and dedication!
- Download and unzip this folder in your aircraft folder. Make sure FlightGear is pointed to that folder; if not, you can tell it to do so in the Add-ons menu.
- Make sure to remove the '-main' from the end of the folder, or it won't work.
- The aircraft should now show up in the launcher.
- Open the Git Bash terminal, and make sure you are in your aircraft directory.
- Enter
git clone https://github.com/sriemmanuel787/737-MAX.git
into the terminal. - The aircraft should now show up in the launcher.
Progress is underway! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at sriemmanuel787@outlook.com or contact me on the FG Discord with the usename 'spoilerlogic' Thanks!