A simple docker container that runs and sync local folder with google drive folder By default it will sync with google drive folder once per night (at 23h50m) in a same order as local
There are various ways to get the image onto your system:
The preferred way (but using most bandwidth for the initial image) is to get our docker trusted build like this:
docker pull nayan9229/gd-sync:latest
To build the image yourself without apt-cacher (also consumes more bandwidth since deb packages need to be refetched each time you build) do:
docker build -t nayan9229/gd-sync .
If you do not wish to do a local checkout first then build directly from github.
git clone
To create a running container do:
docker run --name="gd-sync"\
-e "IGNORE_FOLDER=data" \
-v $YOUR_LOCAL_FOLDER_PATH:/sync_dir \
-v $YOUR_GDRIVR_CONFIG_FILE_PATH:/gdrive_config.json \
-i -d nayan9229/gd-sync:latest
You can also use the following environment variables to pass a user name and password etc for the database connection.
Note: These variable names were changed when updating to support our PG version 10 image so that the names used here are consistent with those used in the postgis v10 image.
- GD_FOLDER_ID: you can add your google drive folder id to sync local folder with your google drive folder.
- IGNORE_FOLDER: you can add local folder name to ignore to sync with your google drive folder.
Example usage:
docker run --name="gd-sync"\
-e "IGNORE_FOLDER=data" \
-v $YOUR_LOCAL_FOLDER_PATH:/sync_dir \
-v $YOUR_GDRIVR_CONFIG_FILE_PATH:/gdrive_config.json \
-i -d nayan9229/gd-sync:latest