This repository contains an iOS application built with SwiftUI, demonstrating the use of Clean Architecture principles. The app displays landmarks fetched from a local JSON file, with a clean separation of concerns across different layers.

The project is organized as follows:
Infrastructure: Contains interfaces, configurations, and utilities.
- Interfaces: Protocols defining the contract for various services.
- Configuration: Configuration management for the app.
- Utilities: Utility classes and functions.
Data: Responsible for data sources and repositories.
- Local: Local data sources.
- Repositories: Implementation of repositories for data access.
Domain: Core business logic of the application.
- Interfaces: Protocols for repository interactions.
- UseCases: Use cases implementing the business logic.
- Entities: Data models.
Presentation: The user interface layer, built with SwiftUI.
- Landmark: Views related to displaying landmarks.
- App: The main app entry point.
- Resources: Assets and resources for the app.
- Preview Content: Content for SwiftUI previews.
LandmarksTests: Unit tests for the app.
- Infrastructure: Tests for the infrastructure layer.
- Domain: Tests for the domain layer.
- Presentation: Tests for the presentation layer.
- Xcode 12.0 or later
- Swift 5.3 or later
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd landmarks-ios-swiftui