An awesome, libre, and cross-platform DAW (and extremely early work in progress) built with Rust, Tauri, React, and Typescript.
Early screenshots of Dawesome running on Mac
On compilation, Tauri generates bindings for
Rust functions to be called by the frontend, or
the Typescript code that ultimate gets rendered by Wry.
Rust commands are called from the frontend by Tauri's invoke
See the docs
on this for more information.
Redux slices are a neat and concise way of issuing commands to the Rust/Tauri backend, or the meat 'n bones of the Dawesome. The backend includes every moving part Daweome has under the hood. Redux and Redux slices are the metaphorical bolts used to unite Dawesome's internal components with the much prettier exterior.
Below is a brief example of how Redux slices work for toggling Dawesome's playlist: Note that 'playlist' here, is synonymous with 'arrangement view' in Ableton-speak.
// src/state/slices/playlistSlice.ts
import { createSlice, Dispatch } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api'
import { RootState } from 'state/store'
export interface PlaylistState {
playing: boolean
const initialState = {
playing: false,
} as PlaylistState
export const playlistSlice = createSlice({
name: 'playlistSlice',
reducers: {
setPlaying: (state, action) => {
state.playing = action.payload
// start play/pause methods
export const { setPlaying } = playlistSlice.actions
// a React component calls this Thunk to toggle the playlist
export const togglePlay = () => async (dispatch: Dispatch) => {
await invoke<void>('toggle_playlist', {})
const playing = await invoke<boolean>('get_playlist_playing', {})
export const selectPlaylistPlaying = (state: RootState) =>
// ...
// export root reducer for this slice
export default playlistSlice.reducer
A component calling this Thunk (which invokes the Rust function, then sets the state (the root state is defined by the InnerState struct)) might look like this:
// src/components/topbar/PlayPauseButton.tsx
import React from 'react'
import {
} from '../../state/slices/playlistSlice'
import Button from '../common/Button'
import { useAppSelector, useAppDispatch } from '../../hooks/redux'
import PlayIcon from '../icons/PlayIcon'
import PauseIcon from '../icons/PauseIcon'
const PlayPauseButton = () => {
// uses the redux selector and thunk dispatcher
// hooks to set and get state
const playing = useAppSelector(selectPlaylistPlaying)
const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
return (
onClick={() => dispatch(togglePlay()) }
className="bg-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-500 py-1 px-3 rounded inline-flex items-center"
aria-label="Play/Pause Button"
{playing ? <PauseIcon fill="white" /> : <PlayIcon fill="white" />}
export default PlayPauseButton
Dawesome uses Rodio for sound file decoding, as well as handling audio playback and managing available drivers on Mac and Windows devices. On Linux, Rust bindings for PulseAudio are used. As such, functions and modules that use PulseAudio to handle audio steams are prefixed with:
// conditionally compile for linux
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn foo() {
// ...
and those that use Rodio for handling audio streams are prefixed with:
// conditionally compile for not-linux
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
fn foo() {
// ...
The development environment uses Tauri for the backend, and Vite and pnpm for the frontend.
To learn React, see the React documentation.
In the project directory, you can run the following scripts:
This command runs both the backend and frontend.
Tauri will open a new window with the app in development mode.
The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
See the section about development for more information.
To run the frontend separately from the backend, use pnpm ui:start
Builds the app for production to the build
This builds the Tauri app bundle and correctly bundles React in production mode, optimizing the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about building for more information.
Create a symbolic link for the assets directory in the project build directory. This is a temporary solution for getting compiled binaries working properly.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the Jest docs for more information.
- Steinberg implementation spec
- The nature of sound: lecture/text on audio programming
- ALSA/PulseAudio driver research with
(warning: links to google docs) - ALSA/PulseAudio: playing a wav file example
See docs/
for more.