The repository contains a backend to the web application for the NCBiR project.
Check if make is already installed
make --version
If not, install make
sudo apt install make
Install virtual environment and all dependencies
make install
Run linters check (black, pylama)
make lint
Create a copy of env file, create and start docker containter defined in docker-compose.yml
make run
Stop and remove container
make down
Remove temporary files such as .venv, .mypy_cache, .pytest_cache etc.
make clean
Run unit tests (runs lint stage before)
make test
Ensure Docker has been installed before
make run
You can create virtual environment using make:
make install
or manually:
# Create and source virtual Environment
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/active
# Install all requirements and dependencies
pip install .
pip install .[dev]
# Init pre-commit hook
pre-commit install
After creating the container, the swagger will be available at: http://localhost/api/v1/docs
Port can be assign in .env file (default is 5050)