weather coefficient converts raw weather data from Daymet to weather coefficients used in the PoPS model.
Parameter - Meaning and/or (Options)
- start - First year that you want to have weather coefficients for
- end - Last year that you want to have weather coefficients for
- time_step - ("daily", "weekly", "monthly")
- directory - Local directory with Daymet files
- output_directory - Output directory you want the function to write the weather coefficient files to
- study_area - Use raster for predefined areas and states if you want your data for whole states ("states" or "raster")
- states_of_interest - only used if study_area = "states" (eg: "California")
- lethal_temperature - (YES or NO)
- lethal_month - (between "01" and "12")
- lethal_min - Does your specie experience mortality below a certain temperature ("YES" or "NO")
- lethal_temperature_value - The value that your species experiences mortality
- future_scenarios - Used to create best, average, adn worst case weather scenarios from the historical record. Set to yes if you are projecting into the future for prediction purposes. ('YES', 'NO')
- pest - The name of the pest or pathogen the weather coefficients are to be used for. Naming purposes only. (eg: "SOD")
- prcp_index - Does precipitation affect the survival and reproduction of your pest/pathogen ('YES' or 'NO')
- prcp_method - Method used to convert raw data to precipitation coefficients ('reclass' or 'polynomial')
- temp_index - Does temperature affect the survival and reproduction of your pest/pathogen ('YES' or 'NO')
- temp_method - Method used to convert raw data to temperature coefficients ('reclass' or 'polynomial')
- temp_matrix - Matrix used to reclassify temperatures only used if temp_method = 'reclass'
- prcp_matrix - Matrix used to reclassify temperatures only used if temp_method = 'reclass'
## Example prcp_matrix creation, also works for temp_matrix. matrix must to nx3 col1 = from, col2 = to, col3 = reclass value
prcp_thresh = 2.5
prcp_mat <- c(0, prcp_thresh, 0,
prcp_thresh, Inf, 1)
prcp_matrix <- matrix(prcp_mat, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.0 2.5 0
[2,] 2.5 Inf 1
## Example of polynomial , works for both temp and prcp polynomials.
temp_a0 = -0.066
temp_a1 = 0.056
temp_a2 = -0.0036
temp_a3 = -0.0003
temp_x1mod = 0
temp_x2mod = -15
temp_x3mod = -15
temp_thresh = 0
temp = seq(0,30, 1)
temp_coeff = temp_a0 + temp_a1*(temp + temp_x1mod) + temp_a2*((temp + temp_x2mod)^2) + temp_a3*((temp + temp_x3mod)^3)
plot(temp, temp_coeff)
prcp_a0 - only used if prcp_method = 'polynomial'
prcp_a1 - only used if prcp_method = 'polynomial'
prcp_a2 - only used if prcp_method = 'polynomial'
prcp_a3 - only used if prcp_method = 'polynomial'
prcp_x1mod - only used if prcp_method = 'polynomial'
prcp_x2mod - only used if prcp_method = 'polynomial'
prcp_x3mod - only used if prcp_method = 'polynomial'
temp_a0 - only used if temp_method = 'polynomial'
temp_a1 - only used if temp_method = 'polynomial'
temp_a2 - only used if temp_method = 'polynomial'
temp_a3 - only used if temp_method = 'polynomial'
temp_x1mod - only used if temp_method = 'polynomial'
temp_x2mod - only used if temp_method = 'polynomial'
temp_x3mod - only used if temp_method = 'polynomial'
- Chris Jones
- Devon Gaydos (Oregon_test)
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