Data and code package is available on
Structure (missing data directories are on figshare):
- 'annotated_data' and 'collective' contain manual annotations extracted from label studio instance
- 'code' contains scripts used to gather data and prepare dataset
- 'label-studio' contains copy of label studio sources used for manual annotations
- 'label-studio-frontend' contains modified copy of label studio frontend used for manual annotation
- 'raw_data' contains gathered data before manual annotation
- 'Paper.ipynb' contains notebook to open manual annotations and replicate paper experiments
Dataset schema for automated tools is in "code/Documentation/". Annotations protocol is in "code/Documentation/". Annotations schema is as follows:
- 'annotated_data' contains json files extracted from label studio
- prefix letter of name of file denotes annotator, for instance "A_1_24.json" was annotated by annotator "A"
- in file there is a list of annotations, each entry on the list has fields containing
- bug description and metadata in "data" field
- results of annotators actions in "result" field
- Following entries are stored in "result" field as directory
- entries with type 'choices' like "annotations-were-problematic", "reviewer-is-sure", "bug-type" contain selected answers
- entry with type 'cve' contains line and file annotations
- subentry "diffsFiles" contains "fileName", assigned category "category" and annotated lines in "lines", divided into "afterChange" and "beforeChange" of specific commit
Example first "data/cve" entry
{'id': 'CVE-2019-11340',
'publicationDate': '19-04-2019',
'severityScore': '4.3',
'summary': 'util/ in Matrix Sydent before 1.0.2 mishandles registration restrictions that are based on e-mail domain, if the allowed_local_3pids option is enabled. This occurs because of potentially unwanted behavior in Python, in which an email.utils.parseaddr call on returns the substring.'}
Corresponding example first "result" entry taken from "A_1_24.json" file, for manual annotatios of 'sydent/util/':
[{'value': {'choices': ['application/library']},
'id': 'g4UOah3mt_',
'from_name': 'bug-type',
'to_name': 'text-bug-type',
'type': 'choices',
'origin': 'manual'},
{'value': {'choices': ['yes']},
'id': 'OhaMoaD2UT',
'from_name': 'reviewer-is-sure',
'to_name': 'text-reviewer-is-sure',
'type': 'choices',
'origin': 'manual'},
{'value': {'choices': ['no']},
'id': '3VdKlaBUh9',
'from_name': 'annotations-were-problematic',
'to_name': 'text-annotations-were-problematic',
'type': 'choices',
'origin': 'manual'},
{'type': 'cve',
'value': {'hyperlinks': [{'url': '',
'dates': {'min': '2019-04-18', 'max': '2019-04-18'},
'labels': ['Release Notes', 'Vendor Advisory']},
{'url': '',
'dates': {'min': None, 'max': None},
'labels': ['Third Party Advisory']},
{'url': '',
'dates': {'min': '2019-04-18', 'max': '2019-04-26'},
'labels': ['Patch', 'Third Party Advisory']},
{'url': '',
'dates': {'min': '2019-04-18', 'max': '2019-04-18'},
'labels': ['Patch', 'Third Party Advisory']}],
'diffsFiles': [[{'fileName': 'sydent/util/',
'category': 'programming',
'lines': {'afterChange': [{'lineNumber': 58, 'category': 'other'},
{'lineNumber': 59, 'category': 'bug(fix)'},
{'lineNumber': 60, 'category': 'bug(fix)'},
{'lineNumber': 61, 'category': 'bug(fix)'},
{'lineNumber': 64, 'category': 'refactoring'},
{'lineNumber': 81, 'category': 'refactoring'},
{'lineNumber': 82, 'category': 'documentation'},
{'lineNumber': 83, 'category': 'documentation'},
{'lineNumber': 84, 'category': 'documentation'},
{'lineNumber': 85, 'category': 'documentation'},
{'lineNumber': 86, 'category': 'bug(fix)'}],
'beforeChange': [{'lineNumber': 58, 'category': 'other'},
{'lineNumber': 59, 'category': 'bug(fix)'},
{'lineNumber': 60, 'category': 'bug(fix)'},
{'lineNumber': 61, 'category': 'bug(fix)'},
{'lineNumber': 80, 'category': 'bug(fix)'}]}}]]}}]