Class project for CSC-307.
Create an online resource for selling various items similar to Craigslist. Users are able to post listings of items they are trying to sell to an end user. Users can either login or signup to their account to make a posting or view postings as guests.
UI Prototype (Last Updated: April 28, 2021):
Class Diagram (Last Updated: May 10, 2021):
Use Case Diagram (Last Updated: May 28, 2021):
To run: cd to frontend and then "npm start"
The Backend is written in Python using Flask and the style guide specified at (A vscode plugin)
The Frontend is written in React.js using the Rest api and the Prettier style guide specified at
The Database is hosted through Mongodb Atlas with a free trial
Material UI is used, see their website for installation instructions.
Travis CI is used to host the files (
Version of npm: 6.14.12
Version of Flask: 1.1.2
eSale for CSC 307