Combine structural variation outputs from long sequencing reads into a superior call set
Last updates: 22/04/22 version 2.3
- Includes now the REF and ALT sequences in the combined VCF
22/04/22 - combiSV now reports the END position and the allele depth calls (DR and DV), was needed to be compatible with SVanna
09/11/21 - Only Sniffles, pbsv, SVIM or cuteSV are mandatory to run combiSV
- Improved precision
Any issues/requests/problems/comments that are not yet addressed on this page can be posted on Github issues and I will try to reply the same day.
Or you can contact me directly through the following email address:
nicolasdierckxsens at hotmail dot com
perl -pbsv <pbsv_output.vcf> -sniffles <sniffles_output.vcf> -cutesv <cutesv_output.vcf> -nanovar <nanovar_output.vcf> -svim <svim_output.vcf> -nanosv <nanosv_output.vcf> -c <minimum_variance_allele_coverage> -o <output_name>
This is the combined standard vcf output
This is a simplified vcf output that can be used as input for Sim-it
For each VCF input, an output file of the SVs that were retained is given.