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Virtual object insertion

An implementation of virtual object insertion task based on deep learning.

Pipeline overview

Our pipeline of inserting a virtual sphere into a 2D image consists of 4 stages:

  • Generation of feature maps: this stage takes in a single 2D image and prompts the location of the object interactively. It proceeds to output several feature maps like depth, normal, albedo, etc., together with files that aid the subsequent stages.
  • Generation of render scripts: this stage generates scene description files that orchestrate the rendering of the virtual object.
  • Virtual object rendering: this stage automates the rendering instructed in the generated scene description files. Our implementation employs Matt Pharr's pbrt to handle the shading of the object.
  • Virtual object insertion: this stage assembles the rendered scenes and programmatically inserts the shaded object into the target 2D image.

Environment setup

The implementation depends heavily on Python and some external packages like OpenEXR for handling HDR contents. In addition, the workflow leverages different deep learning models to estimate feature maps. Ironically, some of these models use outdated libraries which makes it cumbersome to set up the right working environment.

This section describes the required components that need to be installed to set up the working environment for our repo.

CUDA Toolkit and OptiX SDK

  • These are optional but highly advisable components to have for performance gain with GPU support.
  • To check the NVIDIA driver and the latest compatible CUDA version:
  • It is required to install exactly either CUDA Toolkit version 11.8 or 12.1. The reason is that pbrt requires CUDA toolkit for GPU rendering. However, once installed, PyTorch will use this CUDA version instead of their prebuilt CUDA runtime. Because PyTorch only works with CUDA 11.8 and 12.1, the choice for CUDA toolkit version is limited to those two only.
  • OptiX SDK will enable the rendering of pbrt on the GPU. Any OptiX version from 7.1 to 7.7 is applicable.


  • pbrt must be built from source. The build instruction is detailed on their GitHub homepage.
  • An example of the installation process of pbrt:
git clone --recursive pbrt
cd pbrt
mkdir build
  • If GPU is compatible:
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPBRT_OPTIX7_PATH="path/to/OptiX/v7.7.0"
  • For CPU:
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  • The build can be invoked indirectly through CMake.
  • If using Visual Studio or XCode:
cmake --build build --config Release --target ALL_BUILD
  • If using Make or Ninja:
cmake --build build
  • The process will generate several binaries, among which are the pbrt executable and the imgtool program.


  • This package helps streamline the management of HDR content.
  • The installation guide can be found here for all operating systems.
  • On Windows, it might be necessary to find the correct snapshot of vcpkg that provides the desired version of OpenEXR:
git log --color=always --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad)' --date=short | select-string openexr
  • Check out the right commit using the commit hash, the following, for instance, will check out the commit of vcpkg that contains OpenEXR version 3.2.3:
git checkout 52650f28f
  • Then run the installation as normal:
vcpkg install openexr

Python virtual environments

  • There will be 2 separate Python environments required. The reason is that our implementation employs Pratul et al.'s lighthouse which based their code heavily on TensorFlow 1.15.0.
  • Since the latest Python version supporting TensorFlow 1.15.0 is 3.7.x, some major features required by most packages used in this project would be missing.
  • Therefore, a separate Python environment shall be set up to run lighthouse independently.
  • We will create a main Python environment that handles most major executions and a small one to take on lighthouse. The former will be referred to as torch and the latter tensor.
  • It is recommended to use Python's venv module to set up virtual environments.
  • For example, to create a virtual environment named torch in the current working directory:
python -m venv torch
  • To activate the virtual environment on Windows (PowerShell):
  • On Linux and MacOS (bash/zsh):
source torch/bin/activate
  • Deactivate an activated shell:
  • Note that the Python interpreter version inside a virtual environment is the the version of the Python interpreter that was used to run the venv module.

torch environment

  • Despite not being the latest, Python 3.10 shall be used for this environment.
  • The main responsibility of torch is to handle packages from PyTorch.
  • With the torch environment activated, install PyTorch with support for CUDA 12.1:
pip install torch torchvision --index-url
  • PyTorch provides the lower layers for models maintained by the Hugging Face community used in our implementation:
pip install transformers diffusers[torch] xformers
  • Finally several handy packages:
pip install Pillow opencv-python scipy h5py matplotlib coloredlogs pyexr
  • A frozen snapshot of torch can be found in the requirements-torch.txt file.

tensor environment

  • Unlike torch, Python 3.7 must be used for this environment. This means there must be 2 separate installations of Python on the machine.
  • With the tensor environment activated:
pip install tensorflow==1.15.0 matplotlib==2.2.3 scipy==1.1.0 protobuf==3.20.3 numpy==1.16.0 absl-py
  • A snapshot of tensor can be found in the requirements-tensor.txt file.

Prepare workspace

  • First clone the project:
git clone
cd virtual-object-insertion
  • Download checkpoints for Pratul et al.'s lighthouse and place them in lighthouse/model
  • Download checkpoints for Li et al.'s inverse rendering and place them in irois/models


The Python scripts that govern the 4 stages of the pipeline are:

  • generates feature maps
  • generates render scripts
  • automates the rendering with pbrt
  • inserts the rendered object into a 2D image

To get the hint usage of these scripts:

python *.py --help

Note that the Python interpreter corresponding to the torch virtual enviroment shall be used to execute these scripts.

Generation of feature maps requires the path to the image that we would like to insert an object into and the path to the Python executable in the tensor environment.

For example, on Windows:

python -cuda --img path/to/some/im.png --py37 path/to/tensor/Scripts/python.exe

The -cuda option should only be passed if PyTorch was installed with CUDA.

The script will first prompt 4 coordinates that define the plane receiving shadow cast by the object.

The second prompt will be the position of the object inside this plane. It will then generate all necessary resources, including ones estimated by Li et al. and Pratul et al.

Generation of render scripts only requires the path to the directory containing resources generated by

It is advisable to change the weights applying on Li et al. and Pratul et al's environment map, for example:

python -upscale --res-dir path/to/gen --w-irois 0.5 --w-house 1.5

Note that if -upscale is specified, the script will supersample the Pratul et al.'s environment map 4 times its original size using StableDiffusion.

Depending on the GPU capability, the upscaling process may take up to half an hour, for which the -cache option might be helpful if the generation of env map can be skipped and the script will use the previously generated files:

python -cache --res-dir path/to/gen --w-irois 0.5 --w-house 1.5

Virtual object rendering needs to know the folder containing the pbrt and imgtool executables, and the path to the directory containing resources generated by

As an example:

python -gpu --pbrt-dir path/to/pbrt/folder --res-dir path/to/gen/pbrt

The -gpu option should only be passed if pbrt was built with GPU support.

Virtual object insertion

Finally, takes the path to the directory containing resources generated by and inserts the object into the image specified with the --target option.

If --target is omitted, the script will insert the object to the target.png file sitting in the same folder.

python --res-dir path/to/gen/pbrt --target path/to/some/target.png

The insertion result will be saved to the file specified by the --output option.

If this option is omitted, the result is placed in the resource directory.

Note that this result is itself an EXR, for which an image viewer like tev could be helpful.


Deep learning based virtual object insertion



