Import Profile:
- Click "Import Profile"
- Select the "Overwatch_VA.vap" file from your downloaded and ectracted zip file
Import Sound Files:
- Copy the "Overwatch_VA" folder from your downloaded and ectracted zip file
- Paste it into your Voice Attack "Sounds" folder
- By default, the "Sounds" folder is under the Voice Attack root directory
That's it, you've now successfully installed the Overwatch VA Profile! To use it, just select the profile from your profiles list.
[Configuration]Coordinate_factor: Coordinates factor for screen resolution (deafult 1080p factor x1.000)
- Common Resolutions:
- 1024 x 768: Factor_X: 0.533 | Factor_Y: 0.711
- 1280 x 720: Factor_X: 0.667 | Factor_Y: 0.667
- 1280 x 800: Factor_X: 0.667 | Factor_Y: 0.741
- 1280 x 1024: Factor_X: 0.667 | Factor_Y: 0.948
- 1360 x 768: Factor_X: 0.708 | Factor_Y: 0.711
- 1440 x 900: Factor_X: 0.750 | Factor_Y: 0.833
- 1600 x 900: Factor_X: 0.833 | Factor_Y: 0.833
- 1680 x 1050: Factor_X: 0.875 | Factor_Y: 0.973
- 1920 x 1080: Factor_X: 1.000 | Factor_Y: 1.000
- 1920 x 1200: Factor_X: 1.000 | Factor_Y: 1.111
- 2560 x 1080: Factor_X: 1.333 | Factor_Y: 1.000
- 2560 x 1440: Factor_X: 1.333 | Factor_Y: 1.333
- 3860 x 2160: Factor_X: 2.000 | Factor_Y: 2.000
- Common Resolutions:
[Configuration]Key bindings: Please Check this for your key binding
- [Configuration]Pause: Global pause between mouse movement and click
- [Configuration]Coordinates: Global mouse coordinates
- [Configuration]Coordinates_formula: Formula to calculate X value of hero button
- [Configuration]Coordinates_formula_select: Formula to calculate X value of hero button (Used for specific heroe selection)
Select; Switch: Open Hero selection
Ana; Bastion; Brigitte; D.va; Doomfist; Genji; Hanzo; Junkrat; Lucio; McCree; Mei; Mercy; Moira; Orisa; Pharah; Reaper; Reinhardt; Roadhog; Soldier; Soldier76; Sombra; Symmetra; Torbjoern; Tracer; Widowmaker; Winston; Zarya; Zenyatta: Select spoken hero
random: select random hero
- stop random; cancel random: cancel random hero selection
activate ultimate; activate ulti: activate ultimate
spray: paint spray
group up: Initiate "Group Up" in Communication Wheel
acknowledged; confirm; understood; OK: Initiate "Acknowledged" in Communication Wheel
healing; health; heal; need healing; support: Initiate "Need Healing" in Communication Wheel
thanks; thank you; thank: Initiate "Thank" in Communication Wheel
emote: Initiate "Emote" in Communication Wheel
hello: Initiate "Hello" in Communication Wheel
voiceline; voice line; voice: Initiate "Voice Line" in Communication Wheel
ultimate status; ultimeter: Initiate "Ultimate Status" in Communication Wheel
gg; good game: type "gg" in chat
gg ez; gg easy; good game easy: type "gg ez" in chat
Play: Select "Play" in Main Menu
- Quick Play; Quick: Select "Quick Play"
- Arcade: Select "Arcade"
- Competitive Play; Competitive; Ranked; Rank: Select "Competitive Play"
- Game Browser; Browser; Custom Game; Custom: Select "Game Browser"
Cancel Search; Abort Search; Stop Search; Cancel Searching; Abort Searching; Stop Searching: Cancel search of a match
- Loot Box: Select "Loot Box" in Main Menu
- Open Loot Box; Open Box; Open Loot Crate; Open Crate; Open Loot: Open Loot Box
social: Open "Social"
- friendlist; friends: Open "Friends" under "Social"
- groups; group: Open "Groups" under "Social"
- invite friends; invite friend; invite: Open "Friends" under "Social"
- add new friend; add a new friend;new friend: Open "Add a friend" Dialog
- recent players; recent: Open "Recent Players" under "Social"
career: Open "Career"
- statistics: Open "Statistics" under "Career"
- achievements; achievement: Open "Achievements" under "Career"
- player icon; icon; icons: Open "Player Icon" under "Career"
settings; options: Open "Options"
go back: Go back in Menu
exit to desktop; exit; desktop: Exit Overwatch
leave; leave game; leave match: Leave match
Cancel Leave; Cancel exit; Cancel exit to Desktop; Cancel Leave Match; Cancel Leave Game; Cancel; Confirm Cancel: Cancel leaving match/exiting Overwatch
Confirm Leave; Confirm exit; Confirm exit to Desktop; Confirm Leave Match; Confirm Leave Game; Confirm yes: Confirm leaving match/exiting Overwatch
profiles; profile: Change from this profile to another
start listening; listen; listen up: Voice Attack starts listening
stop listening: Voice Attack stops listening