This is a little helper tool I use to make my taxes. To manage my finances I use firefly-iii. I do my taxes with the help of Taxman which is why some parts in the code are named like the application but that's about it.
I wanted to have a report which tells me the values I need to insert into taxman without having to calculate this all on my own.
As I am too lazy to handle configuration properly you need to create an appsettings.json
file (Inside FireConsoleFlyApp
and/or JfFireflyWebApp.Server
I added this file to the .gitignore so you simply need to create one yourself and make sure that it is copied to the destination folder with your build.
may look like this:
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"AppSettings": {
"FireflyConfig": {
"FireflyTagShowUrlPart": "tags/show/{0}/all"
"TaxmanMappings": [
"TaxmanValue": "Vorsteuer",
"FireflyTags": [ "Vorsteuer" ]
"TaxmanValue": "Einnahmen Kleingewerbe",
"FireflyTags": [ "Apple IAP", "Google Ads Revenue", "Google IAP" ]
"TaxmanValue": "Ausgaben Kleingewerbe",
"FireflyTags": [ "Kosten Kleingewerbe", "Dienstleistungskosten Kleingewerbe" ]
"TaxmanValue": "Aussergewoehnliche Belastungen",
"FireflyTags": [ "Arztkosten" ]
"TaxmanValue": "Kontofuehrungsgebuehren",
"FireflyTags": [ "ENTGELTABSCHLUSS" ]
"TaxmanValue": "Sonstige Vorsorgeaufwendungen",
"FireflyTags": [ "Zahnzusatz", "KFZ Versicherung" ]
"TaxmanValue": "Steuersoftware",
"FireflyTags": [ "Steuersoftware" ]
Contains Rest Api Client generated using NSwagStudio.
Contains NSwagStudio configuration. If you want to update it you need to generate the file and place it in FireFlyClient.
It is worth to mention that i Replaced Newtonsoft.Json.Required.DisallowNull
with Newtonsoft.Json.Required.Default
Simple .NET Core Console App as a PoC for firefly connection and data fetching.
Shared project with stuff that console and blazor wasm use.
Blazor wasm