GRPC SSO v0.0.1
The first release of my grpc server. I tried to bring the project to the cleanest possible architecture, using the most popular technologies at the moment.
Highlights of v0.0.1:
- Authorization and authentication: the project allows you to create an application that it can serve. Example Url shortener on Githab
- Infrastructure Agnostic: I tried to use standard libraries and I got rid of libraries that use the C compiler, which gives the project independence from the machine architecture.
- Open Source: Dive into the codebase, discover new things, contribute and do amazing things.
This being an alpha release, i expect there to be bugs and rough edges. If you are interested in the project and notice some bugs in it, I encourage you to open an issue on GitHub with your feedback, which is invaluable to me.
If you would like to contact me directly, you will find contact information for contacting me on your personal page.
SSO on Githab