A Java Project with PostgreSQL as backend.
A GUI application created using Java Swings, AWT and JDBC Client to interface a Database Music Recording Company deployed in PostgreSQL.
- Java SE JDK 11+
- PostgreSQL or MySQL for backend
- JDBC Connector for PostgreSQL or MySQL
- Eclipse Workspace for Java SE Developers (Optional) or any IDE that supports Java
- A User can login with a privilege of either Admin or Local.
- Local user can only display the table contents.
- Admins can insert, delete and update values as well.
- If the validation was Unsuccessful, a failed message would be displayed.
- All the operations return a returnCode which implies if the execution of the queries were Successful.
- A Special case exists wherein Upon Inserting a New Song and Mapping its Musician, the Program internally calls the IncrementSong() or IncrementComposed() method which updates the Songs_Sung or Songs_Composed by the Musician and Increments it without any User Intervention.
- ConnectDB.java in the package databases is responsible for retrieving the connection from the database using JDBC operations. The Database name , Username and Password as mentioned in the file is evaluated to retrieve the connection. Therefore it must be updated following the requirements of the DB.
- Use Case Diagram:
- Class Diagram:
- ER Diagram for the Database:
All the UML relation are expected results. Actual Structure of the Program can possibly differ from the UML
The entity sets in the following project are:
A Many to Many relation – ‘Performed By’ is mapped between the entity sets Musician and Song with a Total participation of Song in ‘Performed By’ as the Minimum cardinality for the relation is expected to be >=1 as there always exists a Musician for a particular Song.
A Many to One relation – ‘Consist of’ is mapped between the entity sets Song and Album as Many songs can be a part of an Album with a Total Participation of Song in ‘Consists of’ as a Minimum of 1 song is expected to be present in an Album.
A One to Many relation – ‘Produced By’ is mapped between the entity sets Albums and Productions wherein it is expected that a particular Album is Produced By only a single Production whereas a Single Production can Produce many Albums.
A Many to One relation – ‘Orchestra By’ is mapped between the entity sets Song and Band considering a Single Band can Orchestrate multiple songs whereas a particular Song can be Orchestrated by only a Single Band.
The entity sets Singer and Composer serve as a Specialization for the entity set Musician.
Sample relations in the Database
- Login Page:
Username: admin Password: musicdb (as inserted in loginDB table of database)
Username: regular Password: imreguser (Regular User)
- Failed Validation:
- Functionalities after logging as Admin:
Admin can Insert, Update and Remove the Database contents apart from Displaying
- Functionalities after logging as Regular User:
- UI Icons:
- Displaying a Record from Database:
- Adding a New Song:
- Updating a Production details:
- About Us:
Package: core
- Driver.java - Driver code for the Application
- Terminate.java - Terminates the JDBC Connections
Package: databases
ConnectDB.java - Connects the JDBC Client
GUILoginCheck.java - Validates the Login Credentials used at Start
QueryEvaluator.java - Mainstream Query Processor which sends all JDBC requests
dbDisplay.java - Consists of SQL Queries as methods to perform Display Operations
dbInsert.java - Consists of SQL Queries as methods to perform Insert Operations
dbUpdater.java - Consists of SQL Queries as methods to perform Update Operations
RecordRemover.java - Consists of SQL Queries as methods to perform Delete Operations
Package: gui
GUIManager.java - Handles the GUI for Load Animations
Login.java - Handles the GUI for Initial Login Screen
StartAdmin.java - Core GUI Handler. Manages the GUI for the Entire Application
Messages.java - Handles the Success/Fail messages Displayed in the Application
ResourcePaths.java - Contains the Path to all the Resources used in the Application
This Project was Created as a part of the Course Object Oriented Programming(19CSE204) by Group 6 S3 CSE-C, Amrita School of Engineering,Amritapuri
- Neeraj S Kumar
- Meenakshi R
- Arathi Premkumar
- Darshana Manojkumar
- Jyothika Sony