This is a simple Amazon-like website built with HTML, CSS, and FontAwesome icons, designed to mimic the basic layout of the Amazon homepage.
1️⃣ HTML: For page structure.
2️⃣ CSS: For styling and layout.
3️⃣ FontAwesome: For icons like cart 🛒, search 🔍, and more!
1️⃣ Header: Logo, delivery location 📍, search bar, sign-in, orders, and cart.
2️⃣ Hero Section: Promotional banner with a message and link.
3️⃣ Product Categories: Grid-style boxes for different items.
4️⃣ Footer: Useful links and information.
1️⃣ Custom colors, fonts, and hover effects for a sleek design.
2️⃣ Responsive layout using CSS classes like .navbar, .box, and .footer.
1️⃣ This is a prototype; no real e-commerce functionality.
2️⃣ Images are placeholders, and FontAwesome icons are for visual appeal.
Got ideas? 💡 Feel free to submit a pull request!