A library for validating values easily.
The most simple way is using validateValues:rules:errorMessages:
of QBValidator
is the pairs of key and value, rules
is the pairs of key and rule array.
This example will fail.
Let's change the values to pass all tests :)
QBValidator *validator = [QBValidator validator];
NSDictionary *errorMessages = nil;
BOOL isValid = [validator validateValues:@{
@"key1": @"suzuya",
@"key2": @"agano",
@"key3": @(58),
@"key4": @(168),
@"key5": @"abc+123",
@"key6": @"no.body..@example.com"
@"key1": @[QBVRequired, QBVEqualTo(@"kumano")],
@"key2": @[QBVContainedIn(@[@"mogami", @"mikuma", @"suzuya", @"kumano"])],
@"key3": @[QBVNot(QBVEqualTo(@(58)))],
@"key4": @[QBVInRange(1, 100)],
@"key5": @[QBVMatch(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$")],
@"key6": @[QBVEmail]
if (isValid) {
} else {
NSLog(@"errorMessages: %@", errorMessages);
Another way is combining with UITextField
, explained below.
This library includes UITextField+QBValidator
category that has the following methods.
- (void)setValidationRules:(NSArray *)rules
- (NSArray *)validationRules
- (BOOL)validate:(NSArray * __autoreleasing *)errorMessages
So if you want to validate individual fields in your form, add rules by using setValidationRules:
and validate by using validateValue:name:rules:errorMessages:
of QBValidator
You can create your own custom rules by subclassing QBValidationRule
The methods to be overridden are:
- (BOOL)validateValue:(id)value
- (NSString *)localizationTableName
- (NSString *)localizationKey
To localize error messages generated by QBValidator
, you should create QBValidator.strings
for different languages or create a subclass of QBValidationRule
and override localizationTableName
and localizationKey
QBVEqualTo(id value)
QBVGreaterThan(id value)
QBVGreaterThanOrEqualTo(id value)
QBVLessThan(id value)
QBVLessThanOrEqualTo(id value)
QBVInRange(NSUInteger min, NSUInteger max)
QBVInRange(NSUInteger min, NSUInteger max, BOOL inclusive)
QBVContainedIn(NSArray *preferredValues)
QBVNot(QBValidationRule *rule)
QBVIf(QBValidationRule *rule, NSDictionary *conditionalRules)
QBVMatch(NSString *pattern)
QBVBlock(BOOL (^block)(id value))
QBVKindOfClass(Class class)
QBVMemberOfClass(Class class)
QBVSubclassOfClass(Class class)
QBValidator can be installed via CocoaPods.
pod 'QBValidator'
If you want to install manually, download this repository and copy files in QBValidator directory to your project.
Note that rule must be an array.
For example:
NSDictionary *rules = @{
@"key": @[QBVEqualTo(@"value")]
But you can omit array literals when there is only one rule.
For example:
NSDictionary *rules = @{
@"key": QBVEqualTo(@"value") // This works.
If you want to validate complex data like NSDictionary
, you can nest the rules.
For example: (omitted array literals)
[validator validateValues:@{
@"key1": @"value1",
@"key2": @{
@"subkey1": @"subvalue1"
@"key1": QBVEqualTo(@"value1"),
@"key2": @{
@"subkey1": QBVEqualTo(@"subvalue1")
QBValidator is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.