This is a simple demonstration on how to use MQTT to monitor and control room temperature.
The room temperature is reported periodically over the /readings/temperature
topic and the heating valve openness is published to the /actuators/room-1
go get
go get
go get
- You will need an MQTT broker. One way to achieve that is by running
locally on your machine. - Having the MQTT broker running you can then lunch the application:
go build
./room_temperature_mqtt tcp://localhost:1883
- You can simulate temperature readings by publishing messages to the
mosquitto_pub -t "/readings/temperature" -m '{"sensorID": "sensor-1","type":
"temperature","value": 15}' -q 1 -r
- In this example is assumed that there is a linear relationship between the temperature and the valve openness. In the real world to achieve accurate results this relation needs to be tuned and calibrated for the specific environment.
- It is assumed that temperature ranges between 0°C and 35°C, for 0°C the valve is set to 100% openness and for 35°C the valve is set to 0% openness.