yog2/fis plugin for pack page and compatible well
- Compatible with the yog2/fis
- Noninvasive pack the page js and css in one
- Can cross yog2 app
npm install fis-pack -g
var fisPack = fis.require('pack');
var entry = {
"pkg/pio_demo.css": [
"pkg/pio_demo.js": [
"pkg/pio_test.css": [
"pkg/pio_test.js": [
//clone the original ret
var retClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ret));
for (var i in etrys) {
if (JSON.stringify(etrys[i]).indexOf('.css"') !== -1) {
realRet = fisPack(retClone, settings, etrys[i], opt);
} else {
realRet = fisPack(retClone, settings, etrys[i], opt, false);
//if use the other app component in yog2 project,need remove the map not in the current app
for (var key in realRet.map.res) {
if (key.indexOf(fis.get('namespace') + ':') === -1) {
delete realRet.map.res[key];
//get app map info
function getMap() {
var path = require('path');
var root = fis.project.getProjectPath();
var map = fis.file.wrap(path.join(root, fis.get('namespace') + '-map.json'));
return map;
var map = getMap();
//save the app map to the release dir
fs.writeFileSync('../'+fis.get('projectName')+'/' + map.release, JSON.stringify(realRet.map));