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Pure JavaScript library for QR code generation using canvas


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QRious is a pure JavaScript library for generating QR codes using HTML5 canvas.

Chat Build Status Optional Dependency Status Dev Dependency Status License Release


Install using the package manager for your desired environment(s):

$ npm install --save qrious
# OR:
$ bower install --save qrious

You'll need to have at least Node.js installed and you'll only need Bower if you want to install that way instead of using npm.

If you want to simply download the file to be used in the browser you can find them below:

Node.js Dependencies

If you plan on using QRious in the browser then you're good to go!

However, if you plan on using it on a server using Node.js, then you'll find that QRious depends heavily on node-canvas to provide HTML5 canvas support, however, since his library is entirely dependant on Cairo being installed as an external dependency, QRious only has this marked as an optionalDependency. That said; it won't work without it on Node.js. Sorry. Please see their wiki on steps on how to do this on various platforms:

If you are planning on installing QRious through npm for use in the browser, then you can avoid unnecessarily installing the canvas dependency by using the following:

$ npm install --save --no-optional qrious


In the browser:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <canvas id="qr"></canvas>

    <script src="/path/to/qrious.js"></script>
      (function() {
        const qr = new QRious({
          element: document.getElementById('qr'),
          value: ''

In Node.js:

const express = require('express');
const QRious = require('qrious');

const app = express();

app.get('/qr', (req, res) => {
  const qr = new QRious({ value: '' });

  res.end(new Buffer(qr.toDataURL(), 'base64'));


Open up demo.html in your browser to play around a bit.


Simply create an instance of QRious and you've done most of the work. You can control many aspects of the QR code using the following fields on your instance:

Field Type Description Default
background String Background color of the QR code "white"
backgroundAlpha Number Background alpha of the QR code 1.0
foreground String Foreground color of the QR code "black"
foregroundAlpha Number Foreground alpha of the QR code 1.0
level String Error correction level of the QR code (L, M, Q, H) "L"
mime String MIME type used to render the image for the QR code "image/png"
padding Number Padding for the QR code (pixels) null (auto)
size Number Size of the QR code (pixels) 100
value String Value encoded within the QR code ""
const qr = new QRious();
qr.background = 'green';
qr.backgroundAlpha = 0.8;
qr.foreground = 'blue';
qr.foregroundAlpha = 0.8;
qr.level = 'H';
qr.padding = 25;
qr.size = 500;
qr.value = '';

The QR code will automatically update when you change one of these fields, so be wary when you plan on changing lots of fields at the same time. You probably want to make a single call to set(options) instead as it will only update the QR code once:

const qr = new QRious();
  background: 'green',
  backgroundAlpha: 0.8,
  foreground: 'blue',
  foregroundAlpha: 0.8,
  level: 'H',
  padding: 25,
  size: 500,
  value: ''

These can also be passed as options to the constructor itself:

const qr = new QRious({
  background: 'green',
  backgroundAlpha: 0.8,
  foreground: 'blue',
  foregroundAlpha: 0.8,
  level: 'H',
  padding: 25,
  size: 500,
  value: ''

You can also pass in an element option to the constructor which can be used to generate the QR code using an existing DOM element. element must either be a <canvas> element or an <img> element which can then be accessed via the canvas or image fields on the instance respectively. An element will be created for whichever one isn't provided or for both if no element is specified, which means that they can be appeneded to the document at a later time.

const qr = new QRious({
  element: document.querySelector('canvas'),
  value: ''


A reference to the QRious instance is also stored on both of the elements for convenience.

const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
const qr = new QRious({
  element: canvas,
  value: ''

qr === canvas.qrious;
//=> true


Generates a base64 encoded data URI for the QR code. If you don't specify a MIME type, it will default to the one passed to the constructor as an option or the default value for the mime option.

const qr = new QRious({
  value: ''

//=> "...AIpqDnseH86KAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"
//=> "...xqAqIqgKFAAAAAq3RRQAUUUUAf/Z"


The current version of QRious.

//=> "2.3.0"

Migrating from v1

If you've been using v1 (qr) then you can find details about what's changed and a guide on how to migrate to v2 (Qrious) below:

You can also find the code and documentation for the v1 below:


If you have any problems with QRious or would like to see changes currently in development you can do so here.


If you want to contribute, you're a legend! Information on how you can do so can be found in We want your suggestions and pull requests!

A list of QRious contributors can be found in


Copyright © 2017 Alasdair Mercer
Copyright © 2010 Tom Zerucha

See for more information on our GPLv3 license.