ARCV Market Tool designed to manage a voucher collector's interactions with the ARC voucher API.
The service, market and store can be deployed, run locally for training/testing or development without any additional dependencies. Docker instructions are in the infrastructure repo
# switch to correct node
nvm install && nvm use
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8081
yarn run dev
# build for production with minification
yarn run build
Use semver for versioning. Each sprint is considered a minor release until the customer asks for a major, non backwardly compatible re-write.
- Find the trello card and grab the URL, e.g.
- Create a branch off develop that uses the ticket number and title, e.g.
- Work on the ticket
- Raise a PR into develop
- Add a link to the PR into the Trello card
- Wait for at least one approval on the PR
- Merge and delete branch
- Tag develop with the incremented release number, e.g.
git checkout develop && git tag v1.16.0-rc.1
- Push the tag,
git push --tags
- Release to staging
- Merge
- Tag main with a release, e.g.
git checkout main && git tag v1.16.0
- Push the tag,
git push --tags
- Release to live
- Find the trello card and grab the URL, e.g.
- Create a branch off main that uses the ticket number and title, e.g.
- Work on the ticket
- Raise a PR merging into main
- Add a link to the PR into the Trello card
- Wait for at least one approval on the PR
- Merge and delete branch
- Once testing is passed create a release with an incremented patch number e.g.
git checkout develop && git tag v1.16.1
- Release main to staging This will change when we are containerised
- Test on staging This will change when we are containerised
- Cherry-pick the hotfix commits back into develop
- Release to live
We suggest developing with a .test
yarn run build
tar -cvzf ARCVMarket_v<x.y.z>(-[beta|RC]X) ./dist
- copy up to the server
- login and move in the correct directory
./ ARCVMarket_v<x.y.z>(-[beta|RC]X) market__v<x.y.z>(-[beta|RC]X)
- Stop market (this app) if it's running
- Set up ARCVService. These tests rely on a running service.
- Reseed the database in ARCVService
php ./artisan migrate:refresh --seed
- Reset passport in ARCVService
php ./artisan passport:install
, see points 8 - 10 - Disable the mocks by setting the cookie in your broeser console
document.cookie = "arcv_ignore_mocks=true;max-age=" + 86400*30;
- Run with
yarn run test
In a development environment you can enable auto-mocks by adding a cookie in the console.
document.cookie = "arcv_use_mocks=true;max-age=" + 86400*30;
This project was developed by :
Neontribe Ltd (registered in England and Wales #06165574)
Under contract for the Alexandra Rose Charity (registered in England and Wales #00279157)
As such, unless otherwise specified in the appropriate component source, associated file or compiled asset, files in this project repository are Copyright © (2023), Alexandra Rose Charity. All rights reserved.
If you wish to discuss copyright or licensing issues, please contact:
Alexandra Rose Charity
c/o Wise & Co,
Wey Court West,
Union Road,
These are the languages and packages used to create ARCV Market and where available the licences associated with them.
ARCV Market 1.7
Programming Language - JavaScript
Framework - vuejs 2.7
Licence - MIT
Third Party Packages
- MIT Licence
- MIT Licence
- MIT Licence
- MIT Licence
- MIT Licence