Full Changelog
Fixed bugs:
- codecov: remove flags definition #122 (zchee)
- update codecov-action to v2 and fix codecov flags #121 (zchee)
Closed issues:
- Failures when running tests (e.g. for DeleteBuffer) #102
Merged pull requests:
- nvim: support nvim v0.6.0 APIs #125 (zchee)
- github/workflow: update nvim version to v0.6.0 #124 (zchee)
- nvim: split deprecated functions #123 (zchee)
- nvim: add skipVersion test util for API version compatibility #119 (zchee)
- github/workflow: add nightly neovim version matrix and update windows os to windows-2022 #118 (zchee)
- Upgrade the Go version to 1.17.x #117 (zchee)
- github/workflow: fix codeql workflow syntax #114 (zchee)
- nvim: implements Notify, OpenTerm and HideWindow following neovim/neovim@b274b98 #113 (zchee)
- github/workflow: fix codeql checkout fetch-depth to 2 #112 (zchee)
- github/workflow: add CodeQL workflow #111 (zchee)
- nvim: Update documentation and small optimize #108 (zchee)
- nvim: add Buffer event types #106 (zchee)
- nvim: add-more-testcases #101 (zchee)