Add RuuviTag Enviromental Sensors to Home Assistant
My implementation using ruuvitag_sensor library to write measurements from RuuviTags into a .json file, for Home Assistant to read them as a file sensor every few minutes.
- Listens for RuuviTags around with whitelisted MAC-addresses.
- Writes the measurements down in a .json file.
- The Home Assistant reads the file, and handles it as sensor data.
- If the sensor is out of range, or out of battery, previous known value will be used. No false-zero readings in Home Assistant.
Provided as a sample code for others, to learn how the library can be used. Code should be working and used as is to connect RuuviTags to Home Assistant. Tested on Rapsberry Pi 4 8GB and Python 2.7.16.
- Automatic configuration.yaml generation, so you don't have to type a lot of complicated config lines.
- Automatic customize.yaml generation, for icons & sensor classes for the RuuviTags.
/custom-components/ruuvitag-listener folder in your home assistant config directory. For example:
File | Description |
---|---| | Does the measuring and config file generation. Run this with crontab (without parameters)! |
sensor_list.json | List of your RuuviTags, used to ignore neighbour's sensors and generating the configs. |
sensor_list.sample.json | Sample of sensor list. Add your tags and remove the ".sample" from filename. |
configuration.txt¹ | Contains rows to be added to configuration.yaml. Tells Home Assistant how to read the sensor file. |
customization.txt¹ | Contains rows to be added to customize.yaml. Sensor icons, device classes etc. |
.gitignore | Lists the files containing identifiable information, please don't push these into GIT. |
¹Created in step 6.
Library does all the heavy lifting with bluetooth handling and whatnot.
pip install ruuvitag_sensor
Needed by ruuvitag-sensor library to access the hardware.
sudo apt-get install bluez bluez-hcidump
Rename sensor_list.sample.json file to sensor_list.json and add your tags names and MAC-adresses.
I recommend to use simple, English names for the config file generation to fly apart, and easier management. You can rename the sensors in Home Assistant customizer into your native language. For example: Naming the tag "Living room" here will show up as "sensor.living_room_temperature" Home Assistant entity.
You can find your MAC-addresses using RuuviStation mobile app or using ruuvitag-sensor library sample code.
{"D5:3A:AA:CC:8E:4F": "Sauna",
"D2:43:BC:EE:60:88": "Bedroom",
"ED:80:DE:71:AC:B4": "Balcony",}
Add line to crontab to refresh data every 5 minutes. This is done outside the Home Assistant's docker container, container just has access to the resulting measurements.json file. Should work fine with the default "pi" user. Edit crontab:
crontab -e
Add line:
*/5 * * * * python /home/pi/docker/hass/custom_components/ruuvitag-listener/
Each RuuviTag you have will show up as 4 sensors in Home Assistant. Adding these manually is a piece of turd work so this will generate the configs for you automatically.
- Temperature [°C]
- Humidity [% (RH)]
- Air pressure [hPa]
- RuuviTag's battery [V]
- (Optional) Average temperature from multiple sensors [°C]
- (Optional) Absolute humidity [g/m³]
Generate config files
python /home/pi/docker/hass/custom_components/ruuvitag-listener/ --config
Add absolute humidity sensors to config file. These are calculated from relative humidity and temperature. --config --absolute
Add average temperature and humidity sensors to config file. Maybe not useful on it's own, but after manual edit can be used for things like "Average indoor temperature" by averaging multiple room's sensor data into one virtual thermometer. --config --average
Copy the generated configurations to Home Assistant's config files.
configuration.txt --> configuration.yaml
customization.txt --> customize.yaml
You might need to add the customize.yaml into the configuration.yaml file, and possibly to whitelist the custom-component folder (which I doubt):
customize: !include customize.yaml
- /config/custom_components/ruuvitag-listener
Note: Don't include the starting "sensor:" thing twice to the configuration.yaml file.
Code is supplied as is, you are on your own.
Nerdaxic, whenever I feel like it. Don't hold your breath for updates but feel free to fork!
Free for non-commercial use.
If this helped you in a meaningful way, you can get me coffee through PayPal.