Releases: netgroup/rose-srv6-tutorial
Releases · netgroup/rose-srv6-tutorial
Initial release
- Fixes by autopep8 action @github-actions (#28)
- Improve project documentation and add docs to the topologies @cscarpitta (#25)
- Clean and fix 8r-1c-srv6-pm topology @cscarpitta (#22)
- Add scripts to .gitignore @cscarpitta (#19)
- rose venv @giulio-sido (#17)
- Fix undesired trailing newline characters @cscarpitta (#14)
- Activate venv when the scripts are started @cscarpitta (#13)
- New topologies @StefanoSalsano (#1)
🚀 Features
- Add several GitHub actions @cscarpitta (#27)
- Separate topologies in nets, nets-in-progress, nets-unmantained @cscarpitta (#23)
- Add LICENSE @cscarpitta (#24)
- Add linter github action @cscarpitta (#21)
- Add hdc hosts to 8routers topology @cscarpitta (#15)
- Add a DNS solution to the Mininet emulation @cscarpitta (#16)
- Add argument --start-node-managers to the Mininet scripts @cscarpitta (#12)
- Add topology 8r-1c-srv6-pm @cscarpitta (#11)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix topologies paths in .gitignore @cscarpitta (#26)
- Fix virtual environment issues @cscarpitta (#18)