This repository contains academic assignments and projects completed as part of various university modules. Each project demonstrates different programming skills and concepts learned throughout the coursework.
A Java CLI application designed to manage flight information efficiently.
- Manage flight details, seating arrangements, and passenger bookings.
- Book a seat, cancel a seat, and search for a ticket.
- Implemented using Java with object-oriented principles.
A fully functional and stylish online store built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Add items to the cart and remove them dynamically.
- Process checkout and display the total amount.
- Implemented using plain JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for an interactive user experience.
A Python CLI application that predicts a student's academic progression outcome based on their credit scores.
- Input student credit scores for pass, defer, and fail categories.
- Determine progression outcomes based on predefined university criteria.
- Implemented using Python, focusing on logic building and decision-making structures.
- Java (CLI-based applications)
- Python (CLI-based academic prediction system)
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Web development project)