Microfocus ArcSight Windows Native FlexConnector for Microsoft Sysmon tool https://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/sysmon
Sysmon WINC Parser Updated for Sysinternals Sysmon v10.x - System activity monitor, Copyright (C) Mark Russinovich and Thomas Garnier
NOTE: when using DNS Query Logging functionality, you may want to ensure the ArcSight SmartConnector Java Image is whitelisted or does not carry out DNS lookups or you will see the original DNS Query as well as a followup query from the jre/bin/java.exe image on the SmartConnector Host.
Device / Product version: Sysmon v10.x, should be backward compatible to Sysmon v3. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/sysmon
SmartConnector Type: Windows Native Connector Dependencies: Microfocus ArcSight SmartConnector Framework at least 7.4 (For automatic IPv6 Parsing)
Copy the fcp and acp folders and the contents to the CONNECTOR_HOME/current/user/agent/ folder on the Windows Native Connector
Add the following Event Log to the Windows Native Connector Custom Log section:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational
or add directly to the agent.properties file:agents[0].windowshoststable[0].eventlogtypes=Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational
Restart the Windows Native Connector
For more details on configuration of Sysmon refer to https://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/sysmon
for an excellent sample sysmon config file refer to https://github.com/SwiftOnSecurity/sysmon-config
ArcSight Fields | Mapping |
deviceVendor | Microsoft |
deviceProduct | Sysmon |
endTime | UtcTime |
deviceCustomDate1 | UtcTime |
deviceCustomDate1Label | Event TimeStamp (UTC) |
deviceTimeZone | UC |
transportProtocol | Protocol |
fileName | TargetFilename |
fileCreateTime | CreationUtcTime |
oldFileCreateTime | PreviousCreationUtcTime |
fileId | FileVersion |
fileHash | SHA256 |
additionaldata.Hash_SHA1 | SHA1 |
additionaldata.Hash_MD5 | MD5 |
additionaldata.Hash_SHA256 | SHA256 |
deviceProcessId | ProcessId |
deviceProcessName | Image |
deviceAction | __oneOf(State,EventType) |
deviceFacility | RuleName |
sourceUserName | User |
sourceUserId | LogonId |
sourceAddress | SourceIp |
sourcePort | SourcePort |
sourceHostName | SourceHostname |
sourceProcessId | __oneOfInteger(ParentProcessId,SourceProcessId,ProcessId) |
sourceProcessName | __oneOf(ParentImage,SourceImage,Image) |
destinationAddress | DestinationIp |
destinationPort | DestinationPort |
destinationHostName | DestinationHostname |
destinationProcessName | __oneOf(ImageLoaded,TargetImage,Image) |
destinationProcessId | TargetProcessId |
destinationServiceName | Product |
deviceCustomNumber2 | TerminalSessionId |
deviceCustomNumber2Label | Terminal Session ID |
deviceCustomNumber3 | SequenceNumber |
deviceCustomNumber3Label | Sequence Number |
deviceCustomString4 | Initiated |
deviceCustomString4Label | Initiated |
deviceCustomString5 | IntegrityLevel |
deviceCustomString5Label | IntegrityLevel |
deviceCustomString6 | ProcessGuid |
deviceCustomString6Label | Process Guid |
flexString1 | SourceProcessGUID |
flexString1Label | Source Process Guid |
flexString2 | TargetProcessGUID |
flexString2Label | Target Process GUID |
oldFilePermission | Description |
oldFileType | Company |
additionaldata.SourcePortName | SourcePortName |
additionaldata.DestinationPortName | DestinationPortName |
additionaldata.DestinationIsIpv6 | DestinationIsIpv6 |
additionaldata.SourceIsIpv6 | SourceIsIpv6 |
additionaldata.FileVersion | FileVersion |
additionaldata.Description | Description |
additionaldata.Product | Product |
additionaldata.Company | Company |
EventID | ArcSight Fields | Mapping |
1 | message | __concatenate("Process Created: ",Image," Product: ",Product," Company: ",Company," Description: ",Description," FileVersion: ",FileVersion) |
1 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_CREATE_PROCESS |
1 | deviceCustomString1Label | Command Line |
1 | deviceCustomString1 | CommandLine |
1 | deviceCustomString2Label | Parent Command Line |
1 | deviceCustomString2 | ParentCommandLine |
1 | deviceCustomString3Label | Current Directory |
1 | deviceCustomString3 | CurrentDirectory |
1 | deviceCustomString4Label | Parent Process GUID |
1 | deviceCustomString4 | ParentProcessGuid |
1 | destinationServiceName | Product |
1 | oldFileName | OriginalFileName |
2 | message | __concatenate("File creation time changed. Filename: ",TargetFilename) |
2 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_FILE_TIME |
3 | message | __concatenate("A network connection was detected from ",SourceIp," to ",DestinationIp," destination port ",DestinationPort) |
3 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_NETWORK_CONNECT |
4 | message | __concatenate("Sysmon Service state changed: ",State) |
4 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGE |
4 | deviceCustomString1Label | Sysmon Version |
4 | deviceCustomString1 | Version |
4 | deviceCustomString2Label | Schema Version |
4 | deviceCustomString2 | SchemaVersion |
5 | message | __concatenate("Process Terminated: ",Image) |
5 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_PROCESS_TERMINATE |
6 | message | __concatenate("Driver Loaded: ",ImageLoaded," Signed: ",Signed," Valid: ",SignatureStatus) |
6 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_DRIVER_LOAD |
6 | deviceCustomString1Label | Signed |
6 | deviceCustomString1 | Signed |
6 | deviceCustomString2Label | Signature |
6 | deviceCustomString2 | Signature |
6 | deviceCustomString3Label | Signature Status |
6 | deviceCustomString3 | SignatureStatus |
7 | message | __concatenate("Image Loaded: ",ImageLoaded," Signed: ",Signed," Valid: ",SignatureStatus," Product: ",Product," Company: ",Company," Description: ",Description," FileVersion: ",FileVersion) |
7 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_IMAGE_LOAD |
7 | deviceCustomString1Label | Signed |
7 | deviceCustomString1 | Signed |
7 | deviceCustomString2Label | Signature |
7 | deviceCustomString2 | Signature |
7 | deviceCustomString3Label | Signature Status |
7 | deviceCustomString3 | SignatureStatus |
7 | destinationServiceName | Product |
7 | oldFileName | OriginalFileName |
8 | message | CreateRemoteThread detected |
8 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_CREATE_REMOTE_THREAD |
8 | deviceCustomString1Label | New Thread ID |
8 | deviceCustomString1 | NewThreadId |
8 | deviceCustomString2Label | Start Address |
8 | deviceCustomString2 | StartAddress |
8 | deviceCustomString3Label | Start Module |
8 | deviceCustomString3 | StartModule |
8 | deviceCustomString4Label | Start Function |
8 | deviceCustomString4 | StartFunction |
9 | message | __concatenate("RawAccessRead detected. Image: ",Image) |
9 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_RAWACCESS_READ |
9 | deviceCustomString1Label | Device |
9 | deviceCustomString1 | Device |
10 | message | __concatenate("Process accessed. Target Process: ",TargetImage) |
10 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_ACCESS_PROCESS |
10 | deviceCustomString1Label | Source Thread ID |
10 | deviceCustomString1 | SourceThreadId |
10 | deviceCustomString2Label | Granted Access |
10 | deviceCustomString2 | GrantedAccess |
10 | deviceCustomString3Label | Call Trace |
10 | deviceCustomString3 | CallTrace |
11 | message | __concatenate("File: ",TargetFilename," created by: ",Image) |
11 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_FILE_CREATE |
12 | message | __concatenate("Registry: ",EventType," Object: ",TargetObject," by process: ",Image) |
12 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_REG_KEY |
12 | fileName | TargetObject |
13 | message | __concatenate("Registry Value: ",TargetObject," set by process: ",Image) |
13 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_REG_SETVALUE |
13 | deviceCustomString1Label | Registry Value Details |
13 | deviceCustomString1 | Details |
13 | fileName | TargetObject |
14 | message | __concatenate("Registry Object renamed: ",TargetObject," New name: ",NewName) |
14 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_REG_NAME |
14 | oldFileName | TargetObject |
14 | fileName | NewName |
15 | message | __concatenate("File Stream Created: ",TargetFilename," by process: ",Image) |
15 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_FILE_CREATE_STREAM_HASH |
16 | message | __concatenate("Sysmon configuration changed. Configuration: ",Configuration) |
16 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_SERVICE_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE |
16 | fileName | Configuration |
16 | fileHash | ConfigurationFileHash |
17 | message | __concatenate("Pipe: ",PipeName," created |
17 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_CREATE_NAMEDPIPE |
17 | fileName | PipeName |
18 | message | __concatenate("Pipe: ",PipeName," connected |
18 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_CONNECT_NAMEDPIPE |
18 | fileName | PipeName |
19 | message | __concatenate(Name," ",Operation," Namespace: ",Namespace) |
19 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_WMI_FILTER |
19 | deviceCustomString1Label | Name |
19 | deviceCustomString1 | Name |
19 | deviceCustomString2Label | Operation |
19 | deviceCustomString2 | Operation |
19 | deviceCustomString3Label | Event Namespace |
19 | deviceCustomString3 | EventNamespace |
19 | deviceCustomString4Label | Query |
19 | deviceCustomString4 | Query |
20 | message | __concatenate(Name," ",Operation," Type: ",Type," Location: ",Destination) |
20 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_WMI_CONSUMER |
20 | deviceCustomString1Label | Name |
20 | deviceCustomString1 | Name |
20 | deviceCustomString2Label | Operation |
20 | deviceCustomString2 | Operation |
20 | deviceCustomString3Label | Type |
20 | deviceCustomString3 | Type |
20 | fileName | Destination |
21 | message | __concatenate(EventType," Created by: ",User) |
21 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_WMI_BINDING |
21 | deviceCustomString1Label | Consumer |
21 | deviceCustomString1 | Consumer |
21 | deviceCustomString2Label | Operation |
21 | deviceCustomString2 | Operation |
21 | deviceCustomString3Label | Filter |
21 | deviceCustomString3 | Filter |
22 | message | Mapped by DNS Response Code |
22 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-DNS_QUERY |
22 | destinationHostName | QueryName |
22 | requestUrl | QueryName |
22 | deviceCustomNumber1Label | Query Status |
22 | deviceCustomNumber1 | __safeToLong(QueryStatus) |
22 | deviceCustomString1Label | Query Results |
22 | deviceCustomString1 | QueryResults |
255 | message | __concatenate("Sysmon Error ID: ",ID," Description: ",Description) |
255 | deviceEventClassId | SysmonTask-SYSMON_ERROR |
255 | deviceCustomString1Label | ID |
255 | deviceCustomString1 | ID |
255 | deviceCustomString2Label | Description |
255 | deviceCustomString2 | Description |
Detect suspicious processes, Powershell use, dual use tools and attempts of lateral movement (and more)
Commmercial content package available for ArcSight SYSMON Content Package Via SOC Prime (https://socprime.com/) Sysmon Framework contains 26 scenarios which are recommended for monitoring in SOC and early detection of APT activity. https://tdm.socprime.com/use-case-library/info/425/