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NetIQ Identity Applications REST API via curl and jq

In this article I'll demontrate how to use the curl and jq utilities in a bash command line to interact with Identity Applications via its REST API. The Identity Applications use the OAuth2 protocol for authentication and authorization. So before we can work with the Identity Apps, we first get an access token from OSP.



While curl is installed even if you select a minimal Linux distribution, jq packages are an add-on and available from extra modules:

OAuth client

In the OAuth terminology curl (and bash) are a client. We assume you are running on a secure server or workstation with restricted access to the client credentials. Thus we have a confidential client.

The easiest way to register a new OAuth client with OSP (our Authorization Server) is to edit the file by hand and add the following properties:

com.example.playground.clientID = playground
com.example.playground.clientPass = secret

You can choose a clientID value and property name prefix (instead of com.example.playground) of your liking.

Instead of using a plain text client secret (clientPass) in the configuration file, you should generate an obfuscated value with:

java -jar /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/lib/obscurity-*jar "secret"

For obfuscated secrets, also add the clientPass._attr_obscurity property:

com.example.playground.clientID = playground
com.example.playground.clientPass._attr_obscurity = ENCRYPT
com.example.playground.clientPass = RUV4kYdFttA3C4hm5eltow==:vrWF02aufnZQeL9toAJyhQ==:GYeEL/1pPjrfxl1B8evASA==

Restart OSP.

Public client

For public clients you need to specifiy a redirect URL to enable implicit or code flows.

com.example.playground.redirect.url =
com.example.playground.logout.url =
com.example.playground.logout.return-param-name = logoutURL
com.example.playground.response-types = code,token


In addition to an OAuth client, you also need a user in the Identity Vault. We will be using the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant, so you need the user's username and its password. To be able to call some of the endpoints shown here, the user must have administrative privileges.


You need to know where OSP is deployed to get your OAuth endpoints. In a NetIQ Identity Manager quick start install, OSP is installed on the Identity Applications Tomcat running https on port 8543:

export OSP_ORIGIN=""

With this you can retrieve the OAuth2/OpenID endpoints with:

export OAUTH2_ISSUER="${OSP_ORIGIN}/osp/a/idm/auth/oauth2"

curl -fsS "$OAUTH2_ISSUER/.well-known/openid-configuration" \
  | jq . \
  | tee openid-configuration.json

export AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT="$(jq -r .authorization_endpoint openid-configuration.json)"
export TOKEN_ENDPOINT="$(jq -r .token_endpoint openid-configuration.json)"
export USERINFO_ENDPOINT="$(jq -r .userinfo_endpoint openid-configuration.json)"
export REVOCATION_ENDPOINT="$(jq -r .revocation_endpoint openid-configuration.json)"
export INTROSPECTION_ENDPOINT="$(jq -r .introspection_endpoint openid-configuration.json)"

Note: To check if OSP is reachable (e.g. by a load balancer) use the URL https://${OSP_ORIGIN}/osp/a/idm/auth/app/ping.


Setup environment

export CLIENT_ID="playground"
read -sp "password for client $CLIENT_ID: " CLIENT_SECRET && echo && export CLIENT_SECRET
export USERNAME="uaadmin"
read -sp "password for user $USERNAME: " PASSWORD && echo && export PASSWORD


Get access and refresh tokens and store them in token.json.

curl -fsS \
  --request POST \
  --data "grant_type=password" \
  --data "username=$USERNAME" \
  --data "password=$PASSWORD" \
  -o token.json # login

Note: Don't forget to logout when done.

Refresh access token

By deafult, OSP access tokens expire after 60 seconds. To get a new access token and store it in access_token.json (to avoid overwriting your refresh token) use:

curl -fsS \
  --request POST \
  --data "grant_type=refresh_token" \
  --data "refresh_token=$(jq -r .refresh_token token.json)" \
  | jq '.exp = (now + .expires_in | floor) | .exp_date = (.exp | todate)' \
  > access_token.json # refresh access token

The 2nd jq command adds two expiration timestamp properties: exp (expiration date in seconds since the epoch) and exp_date (expiration date in ISO 8601 format):

  "access_token": "...",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 60,
  "exp": 1598006322,
  "exp_date": "2020-08-21T10:38:42Z"

Check token state (introspect)

Introspect access token:

curl -fsS \
  --request POST \
  --data "token=$(jq -r .access_token access_token.json)" \
  | jq . # check access token

Introspect refresh token and use jq to calculate its remaining life time in a human readable format:

curl -fsS \
  --request POST \
  --data "token=$(jq -r .refresh_token token.json)" \
  | jq 'if .exp
      .exp_date = (.exp | todate) # expiration date in ISO 8601 format
      | .exp_duration = ((.exp - now ) | floor) # remaining lifetime in seconds
      | .remaining = "\(.exp_duration / 86400 | floor)d \(.exp_duration / 3600 % 24 | floor)h \(.exp_duration / 60 % 60 | floor)m \(.exp_duration % 60 | floor)s"
      .exp_duration = 0
    end' # check refresh token

Get user info

curl -fsS \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  --header "accept: application/json" \
  | jq .

Manage OSP via REST endpoints

Get meta data for tenant idm

Lists all configured OAuth clients.

curl -fsS \
  --url "$OSP_ORIGIN/osp/a/idm/auth/oauth2/metadata" \
  --header "accept: application/json" \
  | jq .

Get a list of system-wide status indicators

curl -fsS \
  --url "$OSP_ORIGIN/osp/s/list" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  --header "accept: application/json" \
  | jq .

Get system-wide logging level

curl -fsS \
  --url "$OSP_ORIGIN/osp/s/loglevel" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  --header "accept: application/json" \
  | jq .

Set system-wide logging level

See JavaDoc for a list of possible logging levels. To set level to ALL use:

curl -fsS \
  --request PUT \
  --url "$OSP_ORIGIN/osp/s/loglevel" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  --header "accept: application/json" \
  --header "content-type: application/json" \
  --data '{"level":"ALL"}' \
  | jq .

Restart idm tenant

curl -fsS \
  --url "$OSP_ORIGIN/osp/s/restart/idm" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  --header "accept: application/json" \
  | jq .

Interact with Identity Apps REST endpoints

curl -fsS \
  --url "$IDMPROV_ORIGIN/IDMProv/rest/access/info/version" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  | jq .
curl -fsS \
  --url "$IDMPROV_ORIGIN/IDMProv/rest/admin/driverstatus/info" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  | jq .
curl -fsS \
  --url "$IDMPROV_ORIGIN/IDMProv/rest/admin/logging/list" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  | jq .
curl -fsS \
  --url "$IDMPROV_ORIGIN/IDMProv/rest/access/statistics/memoryinfo" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  | jq .
curl -fsS \
  --url "$IDMPROV_ORIGIN/IDMProv/rest/access/statistics/threadinfo" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  | jq .
curl -fsS \
  --url "$IDMPROV_ORIGIN/IDMProv/rest/catalog/codemaprefresh/entitlement" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  --data-raw '{
    "entitlements": [
            "id": "cn=role,cn=rest-sentinel,cn=driverset1,o=system"
}'  | jq . # codemap refresh
curl -fsS \
  --request DELETE \
  --url "$IDMPROV_ORIGIN/IDMProv/rest/admin/cache/holder/items?cacheHolderID=All%20Cache" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  | jq . # flush all caches

Start a Workflow (PRD)

To start a workflow with the dedicated workflow engine in IDM 4.8, you need to use the /IDMProv/rest/access/requests/permissions/v2 endoint.

To start a workflow SampleWF with one additional parameter named sample1, POST the following JSON :

    "reqPermissions": [
            "id": "cn=SampleWF,cn=RequestDefs,cn=AppConfig,cn=User Application Driver,cn=driverset1,o=system",
            "entityType": "PRD"
    "data": [
            "key": "reason",
            "value": [
                "test reason"
            "key": "recipient",
            "value": [
            "key": "sample",
            "value": [

Multiple values for a parameter must be serialized as JSON array. he resulting string value must then be used as first array element of the value property:

    "key": "userList",
    "value": [

As result you should get following response:

    "success": true,
    "OperationNodes": [
            "success": true,
            "succeeded": [
                    "id": "cn=SampleWF,cn=RequestDefs,cn=AppConfig,cn=User Application Driver,cn=driverset1,o=system",
                    "requestId": "cd48b6808dfb4cc7a554c9b4aa32031a"
            "userDn": "cn=uaadmin,ou=sa,o=data"

Where requestId is unique identifier of started workflow instance.

Additional Information

If you need to get actual parameters of your non-JSON-form PRD, use the /IDMProv/rest/access/permissions/item endpoint and POST following JSON structure:

  "id":"cn=SampleWF,cn=RequestDefs,cn=AppConfig,cn=User Application Driver,cn=driverset1,o=system",

You you can find the parameters in the dataItems property of the response body:

    "id": "cn=samplewf,cn=requestdefs,cn=appconfig,cn=user application driver,cn=driverset1,o=system",
    "dn": "cn=SampleWF,cn=RequestDefs,cn=AppConfig,cn=User Application Driver,cn=driverset1,o=system",
    "name": "SampleWF",
    "desc": "SampleWF",
    "entityType": "prd",
    "bulkRequestable": false,
    "categories": [
        "Custom Templates"
    "link": "/IDMProv/rest/access/permissions/item",
    "multiAssignable": true,
    "excluded": false,
    "requestForm": "PD9...",
    "dataItems": [
            "name": "reason",
            "dataType": "string",
            "valueType": 2,
            "readOnly": false,
            "multiValued": "false",
            "valueSet": "false"
            "name": "recipient",
            "dataType": "dn",
            "valueType": 2,
            "readOnly": false,
            "multiValued": "false",
            "valueSet": "false"
            "name": "sample",
            "dataType": "string",
            "valueType": 2,
            "readOnly": false,
            "multiValued": "false",
            "valueSet": "false"
    "edition": "rbpm.prd.1667987236179",
    "isNewForm": false,
    "isExpirationRequired": "false"


See REST API documentation for all available methods.

Interact with Identity Reporting REST endpoints

curl -fsS \
  --request DELETE \
  --url "$RPT_ORIGIN/IDMDCS-CORE/rpt/collectors/data" \
  --header "authorization: $(jq -r '.token_type + " " + .access_token' access_token.json)" \
  | jq . # purge reporting db


Every login generates a new refresh token. These are stored in the oidpInstanceData attribute on the user object. This space is limited. You therefore must revoke your refresh token once you're done. Otherwise the user might fail to login again after some time.

curl -fsS \
  --request POST \
  --data "token_type_hint=refresh_token" \
  --data "token=$(jq -r .refresh_token token.json)" # logout