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A Capistrano based, Composer backed boilerplate project for easy WordPress deployments


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A Capistrano based, Composer backed boilerplate project for easy WordPress deployments


Before using this project, I strongly advise reading these articles to get a good overview on how this should work, and what the setup will entail:



$ git clone
$ cd pressto
$ bundle install
$ composer install

You should end up with a folder called pressto with an extra subfolder wp inside it. This is the actual WordPress installation.

Note that you are installing WordPress from a subfolder on your host. You'll need to follow the Giving WordPress its own directory steps to make sure everything gets loaded correctly.


You'll need a private Git repository which will contain this project:

  1. Create a repo on i.e. Github or BitBucket or ...
  2. Either remove the .git folder in this project entirely and do a git init or add your project repo as a remote branch (less recommended)
  3. Important: commit the composer.lock file after running composer.
  4. Push the project to your project repo.

Next up, you'll need to configure the Capistrano deployment scripts:

In config/deploy.rb change these lines:

The project name:

set :application, 'projectname'

The pointer to your project repo:

set :repo_url, ''

SSH connection data of your destination server where you want to deploy to. This assumes you've configured you're sshd and account with a public/private key.

role :app, %w{user@ssh-destination}

In config/deploy/{production|staging}.rb change these lines:

The location on the server where the production version will live:

set :deploy_to, '/var/www/'

The branch in you project repo which represents the production version:

set :branch, "master"

WordPress Configuration

Capistrano keeps static files (ie images, configuration,...) in a separate shared folder on the remote host.

You'll need to add an uploads/ folder. This contains all your uploaded media.

You'll need to add a config-{development|production|staging}.php file. This file contains your environment specific db settings.



// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'PROD_project');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'PROD_dbuser');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');

/** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */
define('DB_COLLATE', '');

Capistrano will automatically symlink to these items with each deployment.


If all went well, deployment to i.e. production should not entail much more then this:

$ cap production deploy

Upgrading WordPress

  1. Open composer.json and change version number to reflect the upgrade.
  2. Run composer update to update locally. This should update your lock file.
  3. Push the updated json and lock file to your repo.
  4. Run cap production deploy to deploy your changes and upgrade remotely.
  5. Go to your site, login and perform any pending database updates.


Matthias "Netsensei" Vandermaesen @netsensei


A Capistrano based, Composer backed boilerplate project for easy WordPress deployments







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