Based on ToyVpn sample using Android VPN service to create the TUN interface.
Uses JPAN for packet parsing and to connect to a SCION daemon.
- Determine correct bind IP automatically
- Upgrade to JPAN 0.2.0
- Better error handling
- Configure routes properly, don't block non-SCION traffic
- Improve performance
- Validate packets properly
- Path MTU management
- Path selectors
- Path monitoring and policy UI
- Handling of ICMP and SCMP
- Support for dispatcherless border router
This demo requires an Android device and a Linux host connected to the same LAN. Configure a SCION development environment on the Linux machine and run a SCION topology as outlined below. The topology consists of three AS. We create two network namespaces representing a host in AS 0:0:fc00 and AS 0:0:fc02, respectively. The Android device will be part of AS 0:0:fc01. In order for the Android device to connect, the configuration of AS 0:0:fc01 is changed to expose the control service, border router, and a SCION daemon on the LAN. Instead of connecting directly to an exposed daemon, it is also possible to configure a bootstrapping server. The bootstrapping feature currently only works with SCION v0.10.0. The rest of the code has been tested with v0.11.0 as well.
Prepare the host system as follows. Replace
with the IP address of your system
that the Android device will connect to. Bootstrapping from an end host bootstrap server will only
work with SCION v0.10.0.
sudo demo/
rm -r gen gen-cache traces logs
./ topology -c <...>/demo/topology.topo
cp -r gen/AS64512/* gen/AS0_0_fc00/
cp -r gen/AS64513/* gen/AS0_0_fc01/
cp -r gen/AS64514/* gen/AS0_0_fc02/
jq '.control_service["cs1-0_0_fc00-1"].addr |= sub("\\[(.*)\\]"; "") |
.discovery_service["cs1-0_0_fc00-1"].addr |= sub("\\[(.*)\\]"; "") |
.border_routers["br1-0_0_fc00-1"].internal_addr |= sub("\\[(.*)\\]"; "")' \
gen/AS0_0_fc00/topology.json | sponge gen/AS0_0_fc00/topology.json
sed -iE 's/"\[.*\]/"' gen/AS0_0_fc00/sd.toml
jq '.control_service["cs1-0_0_fc01-1"].addr |= sub("\\[(.*)\\]"; "") |
.discovery_service["cs1-0_0_fc01-1"].addr |= sub("\\[(.*)\\]"; "") |
.border_routers["br1-0_0_fc01-1"].internal_addr |= sub("\\[(.*)\\]"; "")' \
gen/AS0_0_fc01/topology.json | sponge gen/AS0_0_fc01/topology.json
sed -iE 's/"\[.*\]/"' gen/AS0_0_fc01/sd.toml
jq '.control_service["cs1-0_0_fc02-1"].addr |= sub("\\[(.*)\\]"; "[fc00:10fc:200::2]") |
.discovery_service["cs1-0_0_fc02-1"].addr |= sub("\\[(.*)\\]"; "[fc00:10fc:200::2]") |
.border_routers["br1-0_0_fc02-1"].internal_addr |= sub("\\[(.*)\\]"; "[fc00:10fc:200::2]")' \
gen/AS0_0_fc02/topology.json | sponge gen/AS0_0_fc02/topology.json
sed -iE 's/"\[.*\]/"' gen/AS0_0_fc02/sd.toml
./ run
Clone the scion-ip-translator repository and run some translators and http servers in two of the ASes:
cd scion-ip-translator/prototype
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo -E env PATH=$PATH PYTHONPATH=../scapy-scion-int ip netns exec host0 ./ veth0 -d
sudo -E env PATH=$PATH PYTHONPATH=../scapy-scion-int ip netns exec host2 ./ fc00:10fc:200::1/64 veth4 -d
sudo ip netns exec host0 ip link set dev scitun mtu 1280
sudo ip netns exec host2 ip link set dev scitun mtu 1280
(cd demo && sudo ip netns exec host0 python -m http.server --bind fc00:10fc::ffff:a80:1 80)
(cd demo && sudo ip netns exec host2 python -m http.server --bind fc00:10fc:200::1 80)
(Optional) Run a SCION end host bootstrap server:
cd scion-ip-translator/bootstrap-server
./ ${SCION_ROOT}/gen/AS0_0_fc01 8041
Build the app and run it on the Android device. Change the bind address to the IP of the device.
Select whether you want to connect to an exposed SCION daemon or use a bootstrapping server and
enter the address in the appropriate text field. For the example configuration given above, the
bootstrap server is
and a SCION daemon is listening at
When you push the connect button, a toast saying "SCION-IP Translator connecting", shortly followed
by "SCION-IP Translator connected", should appear on screen. The connection status should also be
reflected in the card shown below the connect button. Open a web browser and navigate to
or http://[fc00:10fc:200::1]
. You should now see whatever static web
page you put in the prototype/demo
directory of the scion-ip-translator repository.
When done, stop servers, translators and SCION. Delete network namespaces with:
sudo ip netns delete host0
sudo ip netns delete host2