This Python based utility helps you to convert your configuration information from '.xls' in '.ini' file. This utility helps you to maintain your configurations information in xls.
You are free to modifiy input file based on your needs.
Format of input file Group A, B etc refers to sections in ini file Colomn names refers to 'key' and values are corrosponding row value.
Format of output file file:
Keys (properties):
[Group A]
similar for other groups.
To generate '.ini' file from input and output files follow below command
$python <input_file_name> <output_file_name> In our case input_file_name = ConfigParameterList.xls output_file_name = MyConfigs.ini
$python ConfigParameterList.xls MyConfig.ini
Make sure <input_file_name> is placed in same directory level if you are not giving absolute file path.