MyST markdown paper template with actions
Use this repository as a starting point (template) for writing a paper using MyST.
- Click "Use this template" at the top. This will prompt you to create a new repository of your own based on this one.
- Go to your repository, edit the file from within GitHub (click the file, then click the pen icon to edit it). You can preview what the markdown will look like when converted although the final output will be slightly different.
- Commit your changes.
- GitHub will automatically build the project to docx, LaTeX and PDF format and upload them as a release "latest". You can find this at releases/tag/latest/.
You can track the build process at actions/ and if there are errors you can check the logs there.
Alternatively, you can run locally (see below) but you need to install some tools.
Install NodeJS.
Install myst:
npm install -g myst-cli
If you cloned this repository, you don't need to do this but for reference if you're starting afresh, create config file via:
myst init
myst start
To compile the pdf you need a latex distribution installed with latexmk
package that requires perl to be installed.
For Windows you can use MikTeX and Starbwerry Perl.
myst build
Built files will be found in _build\exports
- Static website how?