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Single-phase deep learning in cortico-cortical networks

This repository contains the code to run the BurstCCN, Burstprop and EDN models to reproduce the results in "Single-phase deep learning in cortico-cortical networks" available on arXiv.


To install the requrired packages, create a new conda environment using:

conda env create -f environment.yaml

Training the discrete-time model

Command line

To train the burstccn model on MNIST, first set up a wandb project and then simply use the command:

python --run_name=RUN_NAME 
Parameter name Description
run_name Name of the run to use on wandb when logging the results (required).
wandb_project Project name on wandb (required).
wandb_entity Entity (user or group) name on wandb (required).
model_type Type of model to train. Options=[ ann | burstccn | burstprop | edn ] (default=burstccn).
dataset Dataset to train model on. Options=[ mnist | cifar10 ] (default=mnist).
n_epochs Number of epochs to train on (default=250).
batch_size Size of batches to train on (default=32).
p_baseline (BurstCCN only) Baseline burst probability (default=0.5).
n_hidden_layers Number of hidden layers to use in the model (default=3).
n_hidden_units Number of units to use in each hidden layer (default=500).
lr Learning rate of feedforward weights (default=0.1).
Y_lr Learning rate of feedback weights (default=0.0).
Q_lr (BurstCCN only) Learning rate of feedback weights (default=0.0).
momentum Momentum value in [0,1] (default=0.0).
weight_decay Weight decay value (default=0.0)
Y_learning Whether to learn feedback Y weights, [ True | False ] (default=False)
Y_mode Y weight regime. Options=[ random | symmetric_init | tied ] (see jupyter notebook for an explanation, default=random_init)
Y_scale Scale of the Y weights. Is either the standard deviation of the initialisation or scale relative to feedforward weights depending on the Y_mode. (see jupyter notebook for an explanation, default=1.0)
Q_learning (BurstCCN only) Whether to learn feedback Q weights, [ True | False ] (default=False)
Q_mode (BurstCCN only) Q weight regime. Options=[ random | symmetric_init | tied ] (see jupyter notebook for an explanation, default=symmetric_init)
Q_scale (BurstCCN only) Scale of the Q weights. Is either the standard deviation of the initialisation or scale relative to feedback Y weights depending on the Q_mode. (see jupyter notebook for an explanation, default=1.0)

Jupyter notebook example

Run the jupyter notebook using the command:

jupyter notebook "Training BurstCCN on MNIST.ipynb"

Training the continuous-time model

To train the continuous-time burstccn on a non-linear regression task, first set up a wandb project and then simply use the command:

python --run_name=RUN_NAME 