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@github-actions github-actions released this 26 Jul 18:50
· 91 commits to master since this release

No significant changes.

Neuro Flow 24.2.0 (2024-02-16)


  • ${{ project.project_name }} now also configures volume's remote path and image reference if the project name was not set.

    If you do not have project_name set in project.yaml, the volume paths are assumed within your current project configured in CLI.
    However, if you set project_name, this project will be assumed while managing jobs, bakes, volumes, building images etc. within this flow. (#1081)

  • Added support of extra Kaniko arguments while building an image:

        ref: image:imagea
        context: dir
        dockerfile: dir/Dockerfile
        extra_kaniko_args: >-

    More details on available arguments could be found in official Kaniko documentation. (#1110)

Neuro Flow 23.11.0 (2023-11-15)


  • ${{ project.project_name }} now also configures volume's remote path and image reference if the project name was not set.

    If you do not have project_name set in project.yaml, the volume paths are assumed within your current project configured in CLI.
    However, if you set project_name, this project will be assumed while managing jobs, bakes, volumes, building images etc. within this flow. (#1081)

  • Add retries for read-only operations on Server Unavailable error. (#1085)

Neuro Flow 23.10.2 (2023-10-18)


  • Fix read retries from neuro APIs. Fix configuration of executor lifespan in bake config file, example:
    kind: batch
    life_span: 30d
    ``` (#1075)

Neuro Flow 23.10.1 (2023-10-15)


  • Expose jobs and tasks restart policy configuration (#1072)

Neuro Flow 23.7.0 (2023-07-07)


  • Dropped Python 3.7, added 3.10, 3.11 support. (#980)
  • Host neuro-flow flows (former projects) within user projects. (#1002)


Neuro Flow 22.8.1 (2022-08-05)



  • Added hash_files_relative function to expression, it works same as hash_files but requires additional leading
    parameters that defines directory to glob over. It can be used to glob over action files:
      ${{ hash_files_relative(flow.action_path, "**/pattern/here/**/*.py", "other/**/pattern")
    ``` (#904)

Neuro Flow 22.8.0 (2022-08-04)


  • Added support of flow.action_path for images sections of action. (#902)

Neuro Flow 22.7.2 (2022-07-28)


  • Implement flow.action_path property in the flow context. It is available from action and points to the folder where action.yml file is located. (#896)
  • Replace HTTP fetch with git clone for remote actions. (#897)

Neuro Flow 22.7.1 (2022-07-25)


  • Use a separate src folder to don install tests when installing neuro-flow. (#891)

Neuro Flow 22.7.0 (2022-07-25)


  • Implement neuro-flow init command for easy flow creation (#859)

Neuro Flow 22.6.0 (2022-06-07)


  • Add support of shared server side projects. (#840)
  • Display times with timezones in log messages. (#847)

Neuro Flow 22.4.3 (2022-04-21)


  • Fixed error when trying to build image in batch mode (#818)

Neuro Flow 22.4.2 (2022-04-01)

No significant changes.

Neuro Flow 22.3.0 (2022-03-29)


  • Fixed problem with click 8.1.0

Neuro Flow 22.1.0 (2022-01-26)


  • Support ${{ matrix.ORDINAL }} as unique 0-based index for selected rows.

    If a batch flow has a matrix, all matrix rows are enumerated.
    The ordinal number of each row is available as ${{ matrix.ORDINAL }} system value. (#693)

  • Add support of expressions in matrix definition.

    You can now use expression to define list of matrix products. In examples here and below,
    both old_way_key and new_way_key produce same list of values:

      old_way_key: ["1", "2", "3"]
      new_way_key: ${{ ["1", "2", "3"] }}

    This can be helpful when used together with new range() function:

      old_way_key: [0, 1, 2, 3]
      new_way_key: ${{ range(4) }}

    The range() function supports same parameters as python's range(), but it returns list.
    For example: ${{ range(1, 4) }} generates [1,2,3], and ${{ range(4, 1, -1) }} generates

    As sometimes plain numbers is not best options for matrix products, you can use list comprehension
    to perform some mapping:

      old_way_key: ["k1", "k2", "k3"]
      new_way_key: ${{ [fmt("k{}", str(it)) for it in range(1, 4)] }}

    You can also filter some values in comprehension same way as in python:

      old_way_key: [0, 4, 16]
      new_way_key: ${{ [it * it for it in range(1, 5) if it % 2 == 0] }}
    ``` (#741)


  • Fixed (disabled) uploads to storage in dry-run mode (#732)

Neuro Flow 21.11.2 (2021-11-26)


  • Technical release, compatible with the latest SDK/CLI.

Neuro Flow 21.11.0 (2021-11-23)


  • Allow bash and python code blocks in local actions. (#667)
  • Add -s/--suffix option usage hint for cases when the live job launched without it. (#679)


  • Handle cached image status color in neuro-flow inspect <bake>. (#657)
  • Fixed parsing of bash and python in mixins (#674)
  • Fix parsing of 'bash' and 'python' usage in project config. (#678)
  • Fixed logging of filename as "." for github actions. (#681)

Neuro Flow 21.10.0 (2021-10-27)


  • Added new context called git. It has following attributes:

    • ${{ git.sha }} -- SHA of current commit
    • ${{ git.branch }} - name of current branch
    • ${{ git.tags }} - list of tags that point to current commit

    This context is available everywhere both in live and batch mode, but it can only be used
    if project's workspace is inside some git repository. (#603)

  • Added ternary operator to expressions: ${{ left if condition else right }} will evaluate to left
    if condition is True and to right otherwise. (#605)

  • Allowed ']]' and '}}' in yaml literal strings. (#607)

  • Added column with batch name to output of neuro-flow bakes. (#618)

  • Enabled detailed automatic logging to file. For locally executed commands, logs will
    go to ~/.neuro/logs directory. Remote executor detailed logs will go to storage:.flow/logs/<bake_id>/. (#622)

  • Added support of non-string types for action inputs. Now, one can specify action input in following way:

        descr: Input with implicit string type
        descr: Input with explicit string type
        type: str
        descr: Input with explicit int type and corresponding default
        type: int
        default: 42

    Supported types are int, float, bool, str. On action calls side, it's now possible to use
    corresponding yaml types as arguments. (#626)

  • Added possibility to specify job/bake params via the shortcut -p for --param. (#629)

Neuro Flow 21.9 (2021-09-29)


  • Renamed inherits yaml property to mixins. (#560)
  • Added support project level mixins. Mixins defined in project.yml available both for live and batch configurations,
    so they cannot define any live or batch specific properties. (#562)
  • Added command neuro-flow delete-project <project-id> that allows complete removal of project. (#581)


  • Fix crash with global images in batch mode. (#544)


Neuro Flow 21.7.9 (2021-07-09)


  • Added new sections defaults, images, volumes to the project.yml file. The work the same as the do in live/batch except they are global -- everything defined in project.yml applies to all workflows. (#506)

Neuro Flow 21.7.7 (2021-7-7)


  • Added modules feature: a module is simillar to action but has following differneces:

    • only local files support (ws: scheme), github located modules are forbidden.
    • the module content has access to workflow global defaults. The default env/volumes/preset
      is inherited, and expressions can access top level contexts such as flow.

    Calling a module is similar to calling an action, except for use of module property
    instead of action property:

    Live module call:

        module: ws:live-module
      	arg1: val 1

    Batch module call:

      - id: test
        module: ws:batch-module
      	arg1: val 1
    ``` (#464)
  • Add support of mixins in live and batch mode.

    Mixins allow to define and reuse some common parts of jobs in live mode and tasks in batch mode.
    To define a mixin, use top level mixins sections:

      	- secret:some_key:/var/some_key
      	KEY_LOCATION: /var/some_key

    Mixins can define the same properties as "job" and "task" do, except for "id" field in batch mode.
    To apply a mixin, use inherits property:

        inherits: [ credentials ]

    When applied, all fields defined in mixin will be merged into job definition.
    You can apply multiple mixins simultaneously. If some of applied mixins share the same property,
    or/and it is defined in task, the following rules are applied:

    • If property is scalar (int/string/bool), then job will use value defined in job definition. If it is absent,
      the value from the rightmost of the mixins that define this property will be used:
        image: example_mix1
        image: example_mix2
        inherits: [mix1, mix2]
        image: example
        inherits: [mix1, mix2]

    The job1 will use example image, and job2 will use example_mix2 image.

    • If property is list, that all lists will be concatenated.
    • If property is dict, that rule for scalars will be applied for dict values separately.

    Mixins can inherit from each other:

      	TEST: 1
        inherits: [ mix1 ]
        image: example
    ``` (#498)


  • Improved performance of neuro flow bakes it will now print only new rows instead of re-rendering all table (#501)

Neuro Flow 21.6.23 (2021-6-23)


  • Implement retry on NDJSON errors (#493)

Neuro Flow (2021-6-18)


  • Fix cache key calculation: now it doesn't depend on top-level contexts but on a task calculated parameters plus "needs" and "state" for stateful actions only.

Neuro Flow 21.6.18 (2021-6-18)


  • Fix READ retry logic: increase delay between retries (was decreasing to zero in
    21.6.17 release by mistake).

Neuro Flow 21.6.17 (2021-6-17)


  • Added command to clear cache of a single task: neuro-flow clear-cache <batch> <task_id>. (#452)

  • Added support in live jobs params. The following contexts are now available under jobs.<job-id>.params:
    project, flow, env, tags, volumes, images. (#457)

  • Generate default live job name as '--[<MULTI_SUFFIX>]' if not set. (#462)

  • Retry operations inside a batch runner if possible; it increase baking stability. (#483)


  • Fixed bug when executor ignored bake cancellation. (#449)

  • Fixed wrong filename of action config file in logs. (#450)

  • Fixed missing id of initial job for cached tasks. (#451)

  • Don't attach to live job in dry-run mode. (#463)

Neuro Flow 21.6.2 (2021-6-2)


  • Fixed hanging when executor tried to build an image in batch mode. (#448)

Neuro Flow 21.5.31 (2021-05-31)


  • Fix broken cache when using images: now remote context dir name is based on image ref instead of random name. (#422)

  • Fix a error that leads to bakes cache check miss even if the record is present in cache actually. (#441)

Neuro Flow 21.5.25 (2021-05-25)


  • Support shared projects. Shared project should have parameters owner or role set in project.yml. (#373)

  • Add bake id to neuro-flow inspect. (#396)

  • Added support of storage: urls in images.<image-id>.context and images.<image-id>.dockerfile. (#402)

  • Added image building functionality to batch mode.
    The images yaml section entries with context and dockerfile are now allowed
    both in batch and batch action config files.
    Image build starts automatically when task that uses it is ready to be run. (#412)

  • Added automatic creation of parent directories in neuro-flow upload command. (#416)

  • Added cancellation of image build jobs if bake is cancelled or failed. (#423)

  • Added force_rebuild flag to image section in yaml config. (#424)

  • Added new options to neuro-flow bakes:

    • --since DATE_OR_TIMEDELTA to show bakes that were created after specified moment
    • --until DATE_OR_TIMEDELTA to show bakes that were created before specified moment
    • --recent-first/--recent-last to alter ordering in the result table (#428)
  • Pre-fetch the last attempt in bakes list to speed up the command. (#429)


  • Fixed auto-generation of suffixes for multi jobs in live mode. (#415)

  • Fixed overriding param with empty value, --param name "" works properly now. (#417)

  • Fixed EvalError when tried to access ref, ref_rw, ref_ro of volume context. (#418)

Neuro Flow 21.5.19 (2021-05-19)


  • Fix a bug with processing SKIPPED task

Neuro Flow 21.5.17 (2021-05-17)


  • Neuro Flow now uses the dedicated Platform API to store the flow database. The storage is still supported but will be removed in a few months.

  • Added new expressions functions:

    • values(dict_instance): get values of dictionary (similar to python's dict_instance.values())
    • str(any): convert any object to string
    • replace(string, old, new): replace all occurrences of old in string with new.
    • join(separator, array): concatenate array of strings inserting separator in between. (#357)
  • Added support of default volumes similar to default env: both in live and batch modes, you can
    specify them under defaults section:

        - storage:some/dir:/mnt/some/dir
        - storage:some/another/dir:/mnt/some/another/dir
    • In live mode such volumes will be added to all jobs.
    • In batch mode such volumes will be added to all tasks.

    Default volumes are not passed to actions (same as default env). (#359)

  • Added passing of global options (-v, -q, --show-traceback) to neuro cli and executor. (#360)

  • Added --dry-run flag for neuro-flow run that enables prints job command instead of running it. (#362)

  • Added support of tagging bakes.

    To tag a bake:

    neuro bake --tag tag1 --tag tag2 batch_name

    To retrieve bakes by tags:

    neuro bakes --tag tag1
    ``` (#382)


  • Fixed bug that led to crash in neuro-flow inspect when bake had cached task. (#358)

  • Support click 8.0 (#407)

Neuro Flow 21.4.5 (2021-04-05)


  • Mark cached task in neuro-flow inspect <bake> as "cached" instead of "succeeded". (#318)

  • Auto create parent directories in "upload()" expression function. (#319)

  • Add bake_id tag to jobs started by bake inside neuro platform. (#320)

  • Add tags to remote executor jobs. The tags are: "project:project_id", "flow:flow_name", "bake:bake_id",
    "remote_executor". (#321)

  • Print name of the action in error about unexpected needs entry, for example:

    ERROR: Action 'ws:some_action' does not contain task 'wrong_task_name'
    ``` (#323)
  • Added printing of filename in expression evaluation errors. (#324)

  • Dropped outputs.needs in batch actions. Made all action task results available for calculation action needs.
    This avoids confusing behavior when action can succeed even when some of its tasks have failed. (#325)

  • Add support of empty list and dict ([] and {}) in expressions. (#333)

  • Added validation of tasks needs property. (#334)

  • Added validation of action arguments before starting a bake. (#336)

  • Implemented marking of bake as failed when an error happens during the batch execution. If the error is caused
    because of SIGINT, the bake will be marked as cancelled instead of failed. (#338)

  • Allow to specify timeout for executor job in yaml and increase default lifespan to 7d. Example:

    kind: batch
    life_span: 30d
    ``` (#339)
  • Add support of local actions inside of batch actions if they do not depend on any remote tasks. (#340)


  • Use 1-based indexes instead of 0-based for lines and columns in error messages. (#335)

Neuro Flow 21.3.17 (2021-03-17)


  • Fix executor restart when there is a action that should be marked as ready. (#315)

Neuro Flow 21.3.3 (2021-03-03)


  • Add support of parsing batch params from file. (#295)


  • Added proper error message for the hosted on GitHub actions, which reference is wrong (URL leads to 404). (#294)

  • Fix processing of bake that has actions that use another bake action. (#302)

Neuro Flow 21.2.16 (2021-02-16)


  • Fixed parsing of needs in actions

Neuro Flow (2021-02-11)


  • Enable restarting of remote executor jobs on failure.

Neuro Flow 21.2.11 (2021-02-11)


  • Support dependencies on running tasks along with finished ones in batch mode. (#255)


  • Fix windows path issue. (#261)

Neuro Flow 21.1.4 (2021-01-04)


  • Implement inspect_job() expression function. (#255)


  • Fix ignoring of workdir in batch mode. (#261)

Neuro Flow 20.12.16 (2020-12-16)


  • Fixed operator precedence: previously all operators had same precedence. Made or and and
    operate as logical operators instead of bitwise. (#239)

  • Forbid passing args into a job, volumes into an action etc. (#241)

Neuro Flow 20.12.8 (2020-12-08)


  • Allow schedule timeout parameterization in the flow description; useful in cases, when the job should be launched on scarce resources. (#202)

  • Allow image overwrite by forwarding the --force-overwrite flag to the underlying neuro-extras image build command. (#203)

  • Support of preset parameterization for image build job; now user could change the hardware environment for image build. (#204)

  • Implement parse_volume() expression function. (#217)

  • Support compound expressions for volumes, tags, env, port_forward attributes:

        volumes: "${{ ['ubuntu', volumes.volume_a.ref] }}"
    ``` (#236)

Neuro Flow 20.11.24 (2020-11-24)


  • Fix hash_files() function: it is faster, hashes the whole file instead of the first 256 KiB, and includes processed filenames into the hash. (#190)

Neuro Flow 20.11.10 (2020-11-10)


  • Rework output of neuro bake command; now with timestamps and progress bars. (#172)

Neuro Flow 20.11.3 (2020-11-03)


  • Added validation of outputs.needs in batch actions. (#163)

  • Store a JSON with live jobs configuration on every run job start. (#170)

  • Implement lower() and upper() expression functions, e.g. ref: image:${{ lower(flow.project_id) }}:v1.0 (#174)


  • Don't raise an error in neuro-flow run if the remote folder for the project already exists (#184)

Neuro Flow 20.10.26 (2020-10-26)


  • Improve inspect command: sort output by task creation time, add columns with task start and task finish times. (#156)


  • Fix variable substitution for printed text for bake cancellation (#152)

  • Add forgotten restart command (#160)

Neuro Flow 20.10.21 (2020-10-21)


  • Sort bakes by creation time. (#147)

  • Support pass_config: true YAML option for task/job (#151)


  • Ignore hidden files and folders (e.g. .cache) when getting the list of bakes (#146)

Neuro Flow 20.10.19 (2020-10-19)


  • Added --show-traceback option. (#134)

  • Tune a message about bake starting (#135)


  • Fix noisy error report for neuro kill ALL command. (#136)

  • Fix invariant by saving both started and finished records for cached task (#139)

Neuro Flow 20.10.16 (2020-10-16)


  • Added --param option to neuro-flow bake command that allows to pass arguments to params section
    of the config file. (#128)

  • Added --param option to neuro-flow run command that allows to pass arguments to param section
    of the job in config file. (#132)

  • Added upload() function to re-upload volumes just before starting job in live mode. (#133)

Neuro Flow 20.10.14 (2020-10-14)

No significant changes.

Neuro Flow 20.10.12 (2020-10-12)


  • Fix inspect command when there is a started but not finished action (#122)

  • Fixed not marking cached task as done (#123)