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API Reference

Charles d'Avernas edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 5 revisions



Describes and configures a cloud event gateway, which is a service reponsible for authorizing, validating and persisting inbound events.

Name Type Required Description
metadata ResourceMetadata yes Describes the gateway.
spec GatewaySpec yes The desired state of the gateway.
status GatewayStatus no The actual status of the gateway.


Name Type Required Description
authorization CloudEventAuthorizationPolicy no The authorization policy that applies to cloud events of any source.
validation CloudEventValidationPolicy no The validation policy that applies to cloud events of any source.
sources CloudEventSourceDefinition[] no The configuration that applies to specific cloud event sources.
events CloudEventIngestionConfiguration[] no A list containing event-specific ingestion configurations.
service ServiceConfiguration no An object used to configure the gateway service, if any.


Name Type Required Description
healthStatus string no The gateway's health status.
lastHealthCheckAt dateTimeOffset no The date and time at which the last gateway health check has been performed.


  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "Broker",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "broker",
    "creationTimestamp": "2023-07-28T10:07:33.3367152+00:00",
    "generation": 1,
    "resourceVersion": "D6B40743"
  "spec": {
    "authorization": {
      "decisionStrategy": "consensus",
      "rules": [
          "type": "attribute",
          "effect": "authorize",
          "attributeName": "source",
          "attributeValue": "https:\\/\\/(.*)\\/(.*)"
    "validation": {
      "skip": false,
      "validationStrategy": "fail",
      "dataSchema": {
        "required": true,
        "autoGenerate": false
    "sources": [
        "uri": "",
        "validation": {
          "skip": true
    "events": [
        "source": "https:\\/\\/(.*)\\/(.*)",
        "type": ".*",
        "metadata": {
          "properties": [
              "name": "$correlationId",
              "strategy": "attribute",
              "attribute": {
                "name": "subject"
              "name": "$causationId",
              "strategy": "expression",
              "expression": "${ .data.causedById }"
    "service": {
      "uri": "",
      "healthChecks": {
        "request": {
          "method": "GET",
          "path": "/healthz"
      "interval": "PT15S"
kind: Broker
  name: broker
  creationTimestamp: '2023-07-28T10:07:33.3367152+00:00'
  generation: 1
  resourceVersion: D6B40743
    decisionStrategy: consensus
    - type: attribute
      effect: authorize
      attributeName: source
      attributeValue: https:\/\/(.*)\/(.*)
    skip: false
    validationStrategy: fail
      required: true
      autoGenerate: false
  - uri:
      skip: true
  - source: https:\/\/(.*)\/(.*)
    type: .*
        - name: $correlationId
          strategy: attribute
            name: subject
        - name: $causationId
          strategy: expression
          expression: '${ .data.causedById }'
        method: GET
        path: /healthz
    interval: PT15S


Describes and configures a cloud event broker, which is a service that manages subscriptions and streams, filters, mutates and dispatches cloud events to subscribers.

Name Type Required Description
metadata ResourceMetadata yes Describes the gateway.
spec BrokerSpec yes The desired state of the gateway.
status BrokerStatus no The actual status of the gateway.


Name Type Required Description
dispatch BrokerDispatchConfiguration no An object used to configure the way the broker should dispatch cloud events.
selector map[string, string] no A key/value mapping of the labels to select subscriptions by.
If not set, the broker will attempt to pick up all inactive subscriptions.
service ServiceConfiguration no An object used to configure the broker service, if any.


Name Type Required Description
healthStatus string no The broker health status.
lastHealthCheckAt dateTimeOffset no The date and time at which the last broker health check has been performed.
observedGeneration ulong no The observed generation of the broker's spec the status describes. Divergence between resource and observed generation values should be handled during a reconciliation loop.
stream CloudEventStreamStatus no An object used to describe the status of the broker's cloud event stream.





Describes a cloud event subscription, managed by the broker(s) it has been picked up by.

Name Type Required Description
metadata ResourceMetadata yes Describes the subscription.
spec SubscriptionSpec yes The desired state of the subscription.
status SubscriptionStatus no The actual status of the subscription.


Name Type Required Description
partition PartitionReference no An object used to reference the partition to subscribe to, if any.
If none has been set, the subscription receives all cloud events, regardless of their source, type or subject.
filter CloudEventFilter no An object used to configure how to filter consumed cloud events.
Prefer using partition whenever possible to reduce processing time for related brokers.
mutation CloudEventMutation no An object used to configure how to mutate consumed cloud events.
stream CloudEventStream no An object used to configure the subscription's cloud event stream.
subscriber Subscriber yes An object used to configure the service to dispatch cloud events consumed by the subscription.


Name Type Required Description
phase string yes The status phase of the described subscription.
Possible values are:
inactive: the subscription is inactive because its broker is inactive, or because the later did not pick it up
active: the subscription is being monitored by its broker
observedGeneration ulong no The observed generation of the subscription's spec the status describes.
Divergence between resource and observed generation values should be handled during a reconciliation loop.
stream CloudEventStreamStatus no An object used to describe the status of the subscription's cloud event stream





Resource Metadata

Name Type Required Description
name string yes The described resource's name.
Must start, end and be composed exlusively of a maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters, with the exception of -, _ and .
namespace string no The namespace the described resource belongs to.
Required in case the described resource has Namespaced scope, otherwise ignored.
labels object no A key/value mappings of the described resource's labels, if any.
Label keys and values must follow the DNS label standard as defined in RFC1123.
Label values must start, end and be composed exlusively of a maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters, with the exception of -, _ and .
annotations object no A key/value mappings of the described resource's annotations, if any.
creationTimestamp dateTimeOffset no The date and time at which the described resource has been created.
generation ulong no A value that represents the amount of revisions of the described resource's desired state (spec).
resourceVersion string no A value that represents the version of the resource. Changes everytime any aspect of the described resource changes (including status).

Cloud Event Authorization Policy

Name Type Required Description
decisionStrategy string yes The strategy to use when deciding whether or not the authorization policy applies.
Supported values are:
consensus: a majority of rules should apply for the decision to be taken
minority: at least one rule should apply for the decision to be taken
unanimous: all rules should apply for the decision to be taken
rules CloudEventAuthorizationRule[] yes A list containing the rules the policy is made out of.

Cloud Event Authorization Rule

Name Type Required Description
type string yes The rule's type.
Supported values are:
attribute: checks on cloud event context attributes
payload: a policy that performs checks on cloud event payloads
timeOfDay: a policy that grants or refuses accesss based on the time of day
temporary: a policy that grants or refuses access over a given period of time
effect string yes The rule's effect.
Supported values are:
authorize: grant authorization when rule applies
forbid: forbid authorization when rule applies
from DateTimeOffset depends The date and time the policy applies from.
When type is set to timeOfDay, represents the time of the day starting from which the policy applies. The date component is ignored.
When type is set to temporary, represents the date and time starting from which the policy applies.
to DateTimeOffset depends The date and time the policy applies until.
When type is set to timeOfDay, represents the time of the day until which the policy applies. The date component is ignored.
When type is set to temporary, represents the date and time until which the policy applies.
attributeName string depends The name of the required attribute.
Required when type is set to attribute, otherwise ignored.
attributeValue string depends The value of the required attribute. Supports regular expressions.
Required when type is set to attribute, otherwise ignored.
maxSize long depends The maximum size of incoming cloud events.
Required when type is set to payload, otherwise ignored.

Cloud Event Validation Policy

Name Type Required Description
skip boolean no A boolean indicating whether or not to skip cloud event validation.
validationStrategy string yes The strategy to use when validating inbound cloud events.
Supported values are:
none: no validation is performed
warn: validation is performed but errors are treated as warnings
fail: validation fails on errors
dataSchema DataSchemaValidationPolicy no An object used to configure the JSON schema based validation of incoming cloud events.

Data Schema Validation Policy

Name Type Required Description
required boolean no A boolean indicating whether or not inbound cloud events should define a valid data schema.
Defaults to true.
autoGenerate boolean no A boolean indicating whether or not schemas for unknown inbound cloud events for be automatically generated and registered in the application's schema registry.

Cloud Event Source Definition

Name Type Required Description
uri uri yes The uri of the cloud event source to configure.
authorization CloudEventAuthorizationPolicy no The policy to use to authorize cloud events produced by the source.
validation CloudEventValidationPolicy no The validation policy that applies to cloud events produced by the source.

Cloud Event Ingestion Configuration

Name Type Required Description
source string yes The source (context attribute) of cloud events to configure the ingestion of.
Supports regular expressions.
type string yes The type (context attribute) of cloud events to configure the ingestion of.
Supports regular expressions.
metadata CloudEventMetadataResolutionConfiguration no An object used to configure the way the metadata of ingested cloud events should be resolved.

Cloud Event Metadata Resolution Configuration

Name Type Required Description
properties CloudEventMetadataPropertyResolver[] no A list containing the configuration of the resolution of a cloud event's metadata properties.

Cloud Event Metadata Property Resolver

Name Type Required Description
name string yes The name of the cloud event metadata property to resolve.
Metadata properties used to partition events:
$correlationId: an identifier used to correlate events. Typically references the aggregate that has produced the event.
$causationId: a value used to identify the causation of a given event. Typically references the cause of an event produced by a given aggregate.
strategy string yes The strategy to use to resolve the cloud event's metadata property.
Supported values are:
attribute: the metadata property is extracted from a context attribute
expression: the metadata property is extracted by evaluating a runtime expression against the event
attribute CloudEventAttributeFilter depends An object used to configure the cloud event context attribute to extract the metadata property from.
Required if strategy has been set to attribute.
expression string depends A runtime expression used to resolve the cloud event metadata property.
Required if strategy has been set to expression.

Cloud Event Attribute Filter

Name Type Required Description
name string yes The name of the cloud event context attribute to filter.
value string no The value of the cloud event context attribute to filter.
Not setting any value configures the filter to only check if cloud events defined the attribute, no matter its value.

Service Configuration

Name Type Required Description
uri uri yes The base uri of the configured service.
healthChecks ServiceHealthCheckConfiguration no An object used to configure the service's health checks, if any.

Service Health Check Configuration

Name Type Required Description
request HttpRequestConfiguration yes An object used to configure the HTTP-based health check request.
interval string no The ISO8601 formatted amount of time to wait between every health check request.

Http Request Configuration

Name Type Required Description
method string yes The method of the HTTP request to perform (ex: GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, etc.).
path string yes The path of the HTTP request to perform.
headers object no The headers of the HTTP request to perform, if any.
body object no The request's body, if any.

Broker Dispatch Configuration

Name Type Required Description
retryPolicy HttpClientRetryPolicy no The retry policy that applies by default to all subscriptions managed by the broker.
sequencing CloudEventSequencingConfiguration no An object used to configure the way the configured broker should sequence cloud events dispatched to consumers.

Http Client Retry Policy

Name Type Required Description
statusCodes integer[] no A list containing the http status codes the retry policy applies to.
If not set, the policy will apply to all non-success (200-300) status codes.
circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerPolicy no An object that configures the client's circuit breaker, if any.

Cloud Event Sequencing Configuration

Name Type Required Description
strategy string yes The sequencing strategy to use.
Supported values are:
none: events should not be sequenced by CloudStreams
attribute: events should be sequenced by CloudStreams using the specified context attribute
attributeName string depends The name of the context attribute to store the CloudStreams sequence into.
Required if strategy has been set to attribute.
attributeConflictResolution string depends The way to handle conflicts with existing attributes.
Supported values are:
overwrite: the value of the existing attribute should be overwriten
fallback: the value be writen to a fallback attribute when the target attribute exists
Required if strategy has been set to attribute.
fallbackAttributeName string depends The name of the context attribute to fallback to when the attribute specified by attributeName already exists.
Required if strategy has been set to attribute and attributeConflictResolution has been set to fallback.

Circuit Breaker Policy

Name Type Required Description
breakAfter integer yes The maximum attempts after which to break the circuit.
breakDuration string yes The ISO8601 formatted duration during while the circuit remains broken.

Cloud Event Stream Status

Name Type Required Description
ackedOffset ulong no The acked offset in the cloud event stream starting from which to receive events.
fault ProblemDetails no An object that describes the last fault that occured while streaming events to subscribers.
Streaming is interrupted when fault is set, requiring a user to manually resume streaming.

Problem Details

Name Type Required Description
type uri yes An uri that reference the type of the described problem.
title string yes A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization.
status integer yes The status code produced by the described problem.
detail string no A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
instance uri no A reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.
It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.
errors object[] no An optional collection containing error messages mapped per error code.

Partition Reference

Name Type Required Description
type string yes The referenced stream partition's type.
Supported values are:
by-source: the partition by cloud event source (context attribute)
by-type: the partition by cloud event type (context attribute)
by-subject: partition by subject (context attribute)
by-correlation-id: the partition by $correlationId metadata
by-causation-id: the partition by $causationId metadata
id string yes The id of the referenced stream partition.

Cloud Event Filter

Name Type Required Description
type string yes The filter's type.
Supported values are:
attributes: specifies a context attributes based filter
expression: specifies an expression-based filter
attributes object depends A key/value mapping of the context attributes by which to filter consumed cloud events.
Required if 'type' has been set to attributes, otherwise ignored.
Values support regular and runtime expressions.
If no value has been supplied for a given key, it will match cloud events that define said attribute, no matter its value.
expression string depends The runtime expression based condition to evaluate consumed cloud events against.
Required if 'type' has been set to expression.

Cloud Event Mutation

Name Type Required Description
type string yes The mutation strategy to use.
Supported values are:
expression: an expression-based mutation
webhook: a webhook-based mutation
expression string depends The runtime expression string or object used to mutate consumed cloud events.
Required if type has been set to expression.
webhook Webhook yes An object used to configure the webhook request to perform in order to mutate the cloud event.
Required if type has been set to webhook.


Name Type Required Description
serviceUri uri yes The address of the service to post back to.

Cloud Event Stream

Name Type Required Description
offset long no The desired offset in the cloud event stream starting from which to receive events.
0: start of the stream
-1: the end of stream.
Defaults to -1.


Name Type Required Description
uri uri yes The address of the dispatch consumed cloud events to.
rateLimit double no The maximum amount of events, if any, that can be dispatched per second to the subscriber.
retryPolicy HttpClientRetryPolicy no The retry policy to use when dispatching cloud events to the subscriber.
If not set, will fallback to the broker's default retry policy.