This repo contains the meanMLP model implementation and the experimental setup from the NeuroImage paper "A simple but tough-to-beat baseline for fMRI time-series classification".
Go to src/models/
and default_HPs
is what you need.
You can also check the colab tutorial, it shows how to use the experiment framework and the model in minimalistic examples.
conda create -n mlp_nn python=3.12
conda activate mlp_nn
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install -r requirements.txt
DATASETS=('fbirn' 'bsnip' 'cobre' 'abide_869' 'oasis' 'adni' 'hcp' 'ukb' 'ukb_age_bins' 'fbirn_roi' 'abide_roi' 'hcp_roi_752')
MODELS=('mlp' 'lstm' 'pe_transformer' 'milc' 'dice' 'bolT' 'glacier' 'bnt' 'fbnetgen' 'brainnetcnn' 'lr')
for dataset in "${DATASETS[@]}"; do
for model in "${MODELS[@]}"; do
PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ mode=exp dataset=$dataset model=$model prefix=general ++model.default_HP=True
DATASETS=('hcp' 'hcp_roi_752' 'hcp_schaefer' 'hcp_non_mni_2' 'hcp_mni_3' 'ukb')
MODELS=('mlp' 'lstm' 'mean_lstm' 'pe_transformer' 'mean_pe_transformer')
for model in "${MODELS[@]}"; do
PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ mode=exp dataset='hcp_time' model=$model prefix=additional ++model.default_HP=True
for dataset in "${DATASETS[@]}"; do
PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ mode=exp dataset=$dataset model=$model prefix=additional ++model.default_HP=True
PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ mode=exp dataset=$dataset model=$model prefix=additional ++model.default_HP=True permute=Multiple
Plotting scripts can be found at scripts/plot_figures.ipynb
- tune mode: run multiple experiments with different hyperparamsexp
- experiment mode: run experiments with the best hyperparams found in thetune
mode, or with default hyperparams ifdefault_HPs
is set toTrue
: model for the experiment. Models' config files can be found atsrc/conf/model
, and their sourse code is located atsrc/models
Name | script_name |
Description | Trainable Params (on ICA data) |
meanMLP | mlp |
Presented model, TS model |
9282 |
LSTM | lstm |
Classic LSTM model for classification, TS model |
446042 |
meanLSTM | mean_lstm |
LSTM with LSTM output embeddings averaging, TS model |
446042 |
Transformer | pe_transformer |
BERT-inspired model, uses transformer encoder, TS model |
6137098 |
meanTransformer | mean_pe_transformer |
Transformer with encoder output averaging, TS model |
6137098 |
MILC | milc |
TS model, MILC paper |
1116643 |
DICE | dice |
TS model, DICE paper |
818171 |
BolT | bolT |
TS model, BolT paper |
675785 |
Glacier | glacier |
TS model, Glacier paper |
865571 |
BNT | bnt |
FNC model, BNT paper |
670930 |
FBNetGen | fbnetgen |
TS+FNC model, FBNetGen paper |
131334 |
BrainNetCNN | brainnetcnn |
FNC model, BrainNetCNN paper |
274717 |
LR | lr |
Logistic Regression, FNC model |
2758 |
: dataset for the experiments. Datasets' config files can be found atsrc/conf/dataset
, and their loading scripts are located atsrc/datasets
script_name |
Category | Parcellation | # Classes | Description |
fbirn |
Schizophrenia | ICA | 2 | ICA FBIRN dataset |
cobre |
Schizophrenia | ICA | 2 | ICA COBRE dataset |
bsnip |
Schizophrenia | ICA | 2 | ICA BSNIP dataset |
abide |
Autism | ICA | 2 | ICA ABIDE dataset (not used in the paper) |
abide_869 |
Autism | ICA | 2 | ICA ABIDE extended dataset |
oasis |
Alzheimer | ICA | 2 | ICA OASIS dataset |
adni |
Alzheimer | ICA | 2 | ICA ADNI dataset |
hcp |
Sex | ICA | 2 | ICA HCP dataset |
ukb |
Sex | ICA | 2 | ICA UKB dataset with sex labels |
ukb_age_bins |
Sex X Age bins | ICA | 20 | ICA UKB dataset with sex X age bins labels |
fbirn_roi |
Schizophrenia | Schaefer 200 ROIs | 2 | Schaefer 200 ROIs FBIRN dataset |
abide_roi |
Autism | Schaefer 200 ROIs | 2 | Schaefer 200 ROIs ABIDE dataset |
hcp_roi_752 |
Sex | Schaefer 200 ROIs | 2 | Schaefer 200 ROIs HCP dataset |
hcp_non_mni_2 |
Sex | Desikan/Killiany ROIs | 2 | Deskian/Killiany ROIs HCP dataset in ORIG space |
hcp_mni_3 |
Sex | Desikan/Killiany ROIs | 2 | Deskian/Killiany ROIs HCP dataset in MNI space |
hcp_schaefer |
Sex | Schaefer 200 ROIs | 2 | Noisy Schaefer 200 ROIs HCP dataset |
hcp_time |
Time Direction | ICA | 2 | ICA HCP dataset with normal/inversed time direction |
: custom prefix for the project name- default prefix is UTC time
- appears in the name of logs directory and the name of WandB project
mode runs with custom prefix will use HPs fromtune
mode runs with the same prefix- unless model.default_HP is set to
- unless model.default_HP is set to
: whether TS models should be trained on time-reshuffled data- set to
to reshuffle on every new epoch
- set to
: whether wandb logger should run silently (default:True
: whether wandb logger should only log results locally (default:False