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This repo contains the meanMLP model implementation and the experimental setup from the NeuroImage paper "A simple but tough-to-beat baseline for fMRI time-series classification".

0. If you just want the meanMLP model source code

Go to src/models/ meanMLP and default_HPs is what you need.

You can also check the colab tutorial, it shows how to use the experiment framework and the model in minimalistic examples. Colab

1. Requirements

conda create -n mlp_nn python=3.12
conda activate mlp_nn
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Reproducing the results

1. Figures 3 and 5: general and transfer classification comparisons

DATASETS=('fbirn' 'bsnip' 'cobre' 'abide_869' 'oasis' 'adni' 'hcp' 'ukb' 'ukb_age_bins' 'fbirn_roi' 'abide_roi' 'hcp_roi_752')
MODELS=('mlp' 'lstm' 'pe_transformer' 'milc' 'dice' 'bolT' 'glacier' 'bnt' 'fbnetgen' 'brainnetcnn' 'lr')
for dataset in "${DATASETS[@]}"; do 
    for model in "${MODELS[@]}"; do 
        PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ mode=exp dataset=$dataset model=$model prefix=general ++model.default_HP=True

2. Figures 6 and 7: reshuffling experiments and additional data pre-processing tests

DATASETS=('hcp' 'hcp_roi_752' 'hcp_schaefer' 'hcp_non_mni_2' 'hcp_mni_3' 'ukb')
MODELS=('mlp' 'lstm' 'mean_lstm' 'pe_transformer' 'mean_pe_transformer')

for model in "${MODELS[@]}"; do 
    PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ mode=exp dataset='hcp_time' model=$model prefix=additional ++model.default_HP=True
    for dataset in "${DATASETS[@]}"; do 
        PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ mode=exp dataset=$dataset model=$model prefix=additional ++model.default_HP=True
        PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ mode=exp dataset=$dataset model=$model prefix=additional ++model.default_HP=True permute=Multiple

3. Plotting the results

Plotting scripts can be found at scripts/plot_figures.ipynb.

scripts/ options:


  • mode:

    • tune - tune mode: run multiple experiments with different hyperparams
    • exp - experiment mode: run experiments with the best hyperparams found in the tune mode, or with default hyperparams if default_HPs is set to True
  • model: model for the experiment. Models' config files can be found at src/conf/model, and their sourse code is located at src/models

Name script_name Description Trainable Params (on ICA data)
meanMLP mlp Presented model, TS model 9282
LSTM lstm Classic LSTM model for classification, TS model 446042
meanLSTM mean_lstm LSTM with LSTM output embeddings averaging, TS model 446042
Transformer pe_transformer BERT-inspired model, uses transformer encoder, TS model 6137098
meanTransformer mean_pe_transformer Transformer with encoder output averaging, TS model 6137098
MILC milc TS model, MILC paper 1116643
DICE dice TS model, DICE paper 818171
BolT bolT TS model, BolT paper 675785
Glacier glacier TS model, Glacier paper 865571
BNT bnt FNC model, BNT paper 670930
FBNetGen fbnetgen TS+FNC model, FBNetGen paper 131334
BrainNetCNN brainnetcnn FNC model, BrainNetCNN paper 274717
LR lr Logistic Regression, FNC model 2758
  • dataset: dataset for the experiments. Datasets' config files can be found at src/conf/dataset, and their loading scripts are located at src/datasets.
script_name Category Parcellation # Classes Description
fbirn Schizophrenia ICA 2 ICA FBIRN dataset
cobre Schizophrenia ICA 2 ICA COBRE dataset
bsnip Schizophrenia ICA 2 ICA BSNIP dataset
abide Autism ICA 2 ICA ABIDE dataset (not used in the paper)
abide_869 Autism ICA 2 ICA ABIDE extended dataset
oasis Alzheimer ICA 2 ICA OASIS dataset
adni Alzheimer ICA 2 ICA ADNI dataset
hcp Sex ICA 2 ICA HCP dataset
ukb Sex ICA 2 ICA UKB dataset with sex labels
ukb_age_bins Sex X Age bins ICA 20 ICA UKB dataset with sex X age bins labels
fbirn_roi Schizophrenia Schaefer 200 ROIs 2 Schaefer 200 ROIs FBIRN dataset
abide_roi Autism Schaefer 200 ROIs 2 Schaefer 200 ROIs ABIDE dataset
hcp_roi_752 Sex Schaefer 200 ROIs 2 Schaefer 200 ROIs HCP dataset
hcp_non_mni_2 Sex Desikan/Killiany ROIs 2 Deskian/Killiany ROIs HCP dataset in ORIG space
hcp_mni_3 Sex Desikan/Killiany ROIs 2 Deskian/Killiany ROIs HCP dataset in MNI space
hcp_schaefer Sex Schaefer 200 ROIs 2 Noisy Schaefer 200 ROIs HCP dataset
hcp_time Time Direction ICA 2 ICA HCP dataset with normal/inversed time direction


  • prefix: custom prefix for the project name
    • default prefix is UTC time
    • appears in the name of logs directory and the name of WandB project
    • exp mode runs with custom prefix will use HPs from tune mode runs with the same prefix
      • unless model.default_HP is set to True
  • permute: whether TS models should be trained on time-reshuffled data
    • set to permute=Multiple to reshuffle on every new epoch
  • wandb_silent: whether wandb logger should run silently (default: True)
  • wandb_offline: whether wandb logger should only log results locally (default: False)


Code examples for model introspection







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