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KipTool manual: BaseModules

Chiara Carminati edited this page Jun 3, 2019 · 19 revisions


The BaseModules implements basic image operation on a the pixel intensities. From the add button, select the BaseModules library and choose between the available modules:


Implements dose correction by normalizing images by the mean value of a user selected open beam region of interest (ROI) of the image itself. Inputs are:

  • selected ROI of an open beam region
  • Slope and Intercept for linear scaling of pixel intensity

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Scales linearly each pixel intensities according to an intercept and slope value given as inputs. Inputs are:

  • Slope and Intercept of the linear function used to scale each pixel intensity

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Saturates image intensity values below and above user defined grey values limits. Inputs are:

  • min and max pixel intensity values to applied for clamping

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