This repository contains code and data necessary to replicate analysis of Dyf1 C.elegans mutants and generates figures from A.Segref manuscript: "Thermosensation is linked to ubiquitin-dependent protein turnover via insulin and calcineurin signalling"
Code for replicating analysis and paper figures. -
Result of differential expression analysis of the MassSpec data, it is the output from running DEP::run_app("LFQ") on proteinGroups.txt input (see raw_data). 3 contrasts are tested: Dyf1 VS control, Dyf1 VS Dyf1/unc13 and Dyf1 VS Dyf1/unc31. -
Result of Microarray differential expression analysis: Dyf1 mutant VS control. This is the output from running limma::lmfit() on rma normalised input. -
A folder that contains Microarray and MassSpec input data.