VideoSaver已在Github开源,你可以通过Mac下载,用Xcode编译到你自己的iPhone、iPad上。注:由于 VideoSaver在数据传输上利用了AppGroup技术,免费的开发者账号将无法使用
请在编译时创建并替换为你的App Group ID。
###插件### VideoSaver的主要功能在于它的插件。当安装到iPhone 、iPad后,请先在Safari的插件管理中打开VideoSaver。
在项目的 VideoExtension
目录下,有个名为 MyJSFile.js
的文件,插件通过它来操作当前网页的DOM。你可以在此对特定的视频网站做自定义解析,可以利用Mac上的Safari Web Inspector 查看iPhone上的网页源码进行调试。具体方式和工具可以参考:WWDC 2014 Session 512 。
###如何使用### 用Safari打开视频网页,确认视频能够播放,点击Safari分享图标,使用插件下载。
你可以选择直接下载视频,也可以点击右上角的 存储
原生支持的视频网站有Youtube、 Gfycat、Imgur、哔哩哔哩、秒拍等等,大部分提供mp4视频的网页都可以解析到视频地址。
由于版权问题VideoSaver无法上架App Store,我去掉了VideoSaver的下载功能,只提供视频网址解析与收藏的服务,改名为 VideoMarks(影签)现已上架。你可以搭配强大的Workflow,完成下载的需求。当然影签也可以作为你的视频书签,记录你感兴趣的视频网址。
VideoSaver is a simple tool for Safari to download mp4 video on iOS devices. It provides a safari action extension, when the video webpage has loaded, it can run some custom js to fetch the mp4 video link, then you can download the video file either in VideoSaver or in Photos.
Now VideoSaver is open source on Github. You can build it using your Mac with Xcode to your iPhone and iPad. It requires your have Paid Developer Account to run it, because you need to create your own App Group ID which is not available for free one.
The most important component of VideoSaver is the Safari extension. When your install the app to the iPhone,iPad make sure you enable the app's extension in Safari.
There is a file named MyJSFile.js
in the directory VideoExtension
of the project, you can actually customize it to manipulate the webpage DOM. You can write your custom parse logic code for the specific video site. Use the Safari Web Inspector on your Mac, to lookup the source code of your iPhone webpage, and to do whatever your want. More detail: WWDC 2014 Session 512
###How To Use
Use Safari to open the video webpage, make sure the video can play. Tap the Safari action icon, use the app's extension to download.
You can download video directly, or just save the link to the app for later downloading.
When you download video later in the app, you can switch to other apps, the downloading tasks will continue in the background. VideoSaver supports playing video on loop, the iPad version supports Picture in Picture, multitasking.
Support video download sites included: Youtube,Gfycat,Imgur,bilibili,miaopai,etc..
For piracy reason, VideoSaver could't be downloaded from App Store. So I removed the download feature of it, and rename the App Store Version as VideoMarks, you could extend it's ability with the powerful of Workflow. Maybe use it as the video bookmark app.
Yang Shengfu (@nevercry)
###Support or Contact
Having trouble with VideoSaver? Feel free to contact me.
Email: nsysfmac#gmail.com
Twitter: nevercry