Python package for rendering HTML snippets to enable Tribune Publishing's Omniture Analytics and Third Party navigation.
pip install git+
In your settings file, create an Omniture dictionary, which we will use to populate our JavaScript object. Here is an example:
'domain': '',
'sitename': 'Chicago Tribune',
'section': 'news',
'subsection': 'local',
'subsubsection': 'election',
'title': 'Elections Center',
'type': 'dataproject',
At the top of your project templates, load the custom template tags with:
{% load omnituretags %}
In the head of your project templates, load the Omniture object. Replace PAGE NAME HERE with a name that properly identifies the page the user is viewing:
{% block omniture %}
{% omnitag request '' 'PAGE NAME HERE' %}
{% endblock %}
In the footer of your project templates, load the Omniture third party script, and pass your domain (do not include a subdomain). By default, the third party navigation and SSOR tracking are disabled. The metrics team recommends disabling the SSOR tracking if page speed is a concern:
{% omniscript '' %}
In your Tarbell config, update the DEFAULT_CONTEXT dictionary so it includes a nested Omniture dictionary, like this:
'domain': '',
'sitename': 'Chicago Tribune',
'section': 'sports',
'subsection': 'bears',
'subsubsection': '',
'title': 'NFL Draft',
'type': 'dataproject',
In the head of your project templates, load the Omniture object. Replace PAGE NAME HERE with a name that properly identifies the page the user is viewing:
{% omnitag request OMNITURE None 'PAGE NAME HERE' %}
In the footer of your project templates, load the Omniture third party script, and pass your domain (do not include a subdomain). By default, the third party navigation and SSOR tracking are disabled. The metrics team recommends disabling the SSOR tracking if page speed is a concern:
{% omniscript '' %}