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NexLog is a customizable logging package for Go (Golang) applications. It provides capabilities to customize log levels, formats, filters, and hooks to enhance your logging system.


  • Support for different log levels: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal.
  • Customizable log formatters to modify the output format of log messages.
  • Customizable log filters to decide which log messages to print based on the log level and/or other conditions.
  • Support for adding hooks to perform additional actions using the LogHook interface.


Use the following command to install the NexLog package:

go get


Here's a simple example of how to use NexLog in your Go application:

package main
import (
func main() {
    logger := nexlog.NewLogger("myapp")
    logger.Debug("This is a debug log")
    logger.Info("This is an info log")
    logger.Warn("This is a warning log")
    logger.Error("This is an error log")
    logger.Fatal("This is a fatal log")


NexLog provides several interfaces which you can implement to customize the behavior of the logger:

  • LogFormatter: Implement the LogFormatter interface to customize the format of your log messages.
  • LogFilter: Implement the LogFilter interface to decide which log messages to print based on the log level and/or other conditions.
  • LogHook: Implement the LogHook interface to perform additional actions when a log message is printed. This could be useful for sending alerts, storing log messages in a database, etc.

Custom Log Formatter

To create a custom log formatter, implement the LogFormatter interface by defining the Format method. The Format method takes a LogEntry object and returns a formatted log message as a string. Here's an example:

type CustomFormatter struct{}

func (f *CustomFormatter) Format(entry *nexlog.LogEntry) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Custom format: [%s] - %s: %s", entry.Timestamp.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), entry.Level, entry.Message)

func main() {
	logger := nexlog.NewLogger("myapp")

	logger.Info("This is a custom formatted log message")

Custom Log Filter

To create a custom log filter, implement the LogFilter interface by defining the Filter method. The Filter method takes a LogEntry object as input and returns a boolean value. If the value is true, the log message will be printed; if false, the log message will be ignored. Here's an example:

type CustomFilter struct{}

func (f *CustomFilter) Filter(entry *nexlog.LogEntry) bool {
	// Filter out log messages containing the word "ignore"
	return !strings.Contains(entry.Message, "ignore")

func main() {
	logger := nexlog.NewLogger("myapp")

	logger.Info("This log message will be printed")
	logger.Info("This log message will be ignored because it contains the word 'ignore'")

Custom Log Hook

To create a custom log hook, implement the LogHook interface by defining the Fire method. The Fire method takes a LogEntry object as input and performs additional actions when a log message is printed. Here's an example:

type CustomHook struct{}

func (h *CustomHook) Fire(entry *nexlog.LogEntry) {
	fmt.Printf("Custom hook fired for log message: %s\n", entry.Message)

func main() {
	logger := nexlog.NewLogger("myapp")

	logger.Info("This is a log message with a custom hook")

In this example, the CustomHook struct implements the LogHook interface by defining the Fire method. The Fire method takes a LogEntry object and performs an additional action (in this case, printing a message) when a log message is printed. We then create a new logger and add the custom hook to it. When logging messages with this logger, the custom hook will be executed.


If you want to contribute to the project, you can submit a Pull Request with any enhancements, fixes, or features.