3.5.0 – unreleased
- Emoji picker via : symbol
- Smart picker integration via / symbol
- Searching message bodies in advanced search and priority inbox (opt-in)
- Change sort order
- Warning about missing attachments
- Delete tags
- PHP8.3 support
- Performance improvements through caching
- Performance improvements of the dashboard widgets
- Master password for provisioned accounts
- Updated and new translations
- App store screenshot
- Calendar event color picker
- Thread summaries using preview text instead of full body text
- Showing contact name in thread header
- Stale and unused ML data in database and on storage
- Unsubscribe button style
- Modals closing automatically
- Recipient searches in advanced search (to vs cc vs bcc)
- Internal rate-limiting for wrong passwords to prevent IMAP locking
- Double mailbox sync when navigating across two accounts
- Duplicated tags
- Thread summaries for threads of three messages
- Synchronization with QRESYNC
- Web notification encoding
- UI element alignment
- Exclude PGP signatures as attachments