AI powered dutyleave generator CLI for SJCET Palai
Do these simple steps to prove your technical skills
If your work is pretty cool, we'll approve the PR
- Fork this repository
- Install any of you favorite system level programming language (Python, Rust, Go, NodeJS etc)
- Start a project for building a CLI (Command Line Interface)
- Complete the requirements for CLI tool
- Create pull requests back to this repository
- Assign current CTO of IEDC @rajatsandeepsen as reviewer
- User can run from CLI
- Conversational like chatting for collecting data
- Read data of User from a JSON
- Options to select Faculty, Department, Year etc from a list
- Return text or render the final document in text File
- Options to select common or predefined permission template
- Flue
- Family Function
- Some event
- etc
Only those who got proper feedback from CTO need to complete these tasks.
- Option to add multiple users for permission
- Add ChatGPT like AI to make creative reason for duty leave or permissions
- Read AI api key and url from JSON or env file
- Option to add signature of User
- Render in PDF
- Publish the CLI to corresponding package managing marketplace (pip, npm, crate etc)
NB: Make sure the AI provider api key isn't published with CLI
If you don't know how to do a step, just ask Chatgpt or any AI tools
- Proves you can code (with or without AI)
- You have experience using Git/Github
- You have real experience of publishing a package