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SWBF Classic / Classic Collection Dedicated Server Launcher

This is a helper script which starts your dedicated server for SWBF1 Classic or Classic Collection. Key Features are:

  • Discord integration
  • Auto Restart
  • Auto Recover when crashing

Its based on the script the Classic Hub from me is using for 1000 Ticket Servers since day one: Feel free to join the discord and play with others.


To install or update the launcher, follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download this repository.
  2. Run the installOrUpdate.ps1 script.

Configuration Options

    "steamFolder": "C:\\Gaming\\Steam", // The Folder to your Steam.exe
    "additionalMapTranslations": {
        // For modded maps add translations for them to print then properly to the discord by game
        "classic": {
            "test1": "test1 map"  
        "classicCollection": {}
    "gameConfigs": {
        // Stores the game configs which holds executable name, folder name and app id
        "classic": {
            "gameFolderSuffix": "Star Wars Battlefront (Classic 2004)\\GameData",  // The Last Parts (unique) of the folder path to the classic swbf (this here is the default value)
            "executable": "Battlefront.exe", // Name of the Battlefront executable (by default its Battlefront.exe)
            "appID": "1058020" // steam app id 
        // this is the same config for  the classic collection
        "classicCollection": {
            "gameFolderSuffix": "Battle", // the folder name for the classic collection
            "executable": "Battlefront.exe", 
            "appID": "2446550"  // steam app id
    "launchOptions": {
        "recoverAfterSeconds": 5, // This are the seconds the script should wait before recovering a crashed server
        "game": "classic", // The game key name (classic or classicCollection)
        // This configures the discord functionality
        "discord": {
            "enabled": false, // Turns discord integration on/off (true/false)
            "webookUrl": "<url for your webhook>" // See below for more info
            "announcements": {
                "serverCrash": true, // Tells the bot to post to given channel when server crashs or gets recovered
                "serverRestart": true, // Tells the bot to post when its auto restarting the server 
                "configChange": true // Tells the bot to post when a config has changed
            // Text template for discord  messages (you can use markdown) - see available placeholders below
            "textTemplates": {
                "serverCrash": "Server  `{serverName}` crashed will recover it in {recoverSeconds} seconds.", 
                "serverRecovered": "Server `{serverName}` recovered from crash.",
                "serverRestart": "Server `{serverName}`  will restart in exact {minutesTillRestart} Minutes (@{restartTime} {timeZone})!",
                "serverRestartingNow": "Server `{serverName}` will restart **now**. Please be patient as the server can be unavailable for a few minutes!",
                "configChange": "Server `{serverName}` config has been changed: \r\n\r\n{changes} \r\nChanges apply at next restart."
            // Discord messages for chaning in this configurations
            "changeDetection": {
                "maps": true, // Sends a discord message when a map is added, removed or changed
                "arguments": true // Sends a discord message when a server argument was added, removed or changed

        // this is the auto restart functionality
        // it will restart the server at exact the time of the day you set it to
        // TimeZone Param is only for displey the timezone in discord messages
        // Launcher uses timezone of your computer / server.
        "autoRestart": {
            "enabled": true,
            "restartTime": "15:52",
            "timeZone": "CET"


Head up: Differences between classic and classic-collection

Keep in mind that the server parameter /bf1 or /bf2 (for battlefront II) is mandatory for the classic collection. That means this should be you very first parameter inside your server.config

Configure your server

Frst open the server.config with a text editor. Adjust it how you like or add parameters as you whish (See steam guides for it). Nex lets set up our map pool - this happens in the maps.config.

The maps are listed like that:

mapshort1 <tickets side a> <tickets side b> mapshort2 <tickets side a> <tickets side b>

Here is the default map pool for SWBF 1:

Map Short Name Map Fullname
bes1a Bespin: Platforms GCW
bes1r Bespin: Platforms CW
bes2a Bespin: Cloud City GCW
bes2r Bespin: Cloud City CW
end1a Endor: Bunker
geo1r Geonosis: Spire
hot1i Hoth: Echo Base
kam1c Kamino: Tipoca City
kas1c Kashyyyk: Islands CW
kas1i Kashyyyk: Islands GCW
kas2c Kashyyyk: Docks CW
kas2i Kashyyyk: Docks GCW
nab1c Naboo: Plains CW
nab1i Naboo: Plains GCW
nab2a Naboo: Theed GCW
nab2c Naboo: Theed CW
rhn1i Rhen Var: Harbor GCW
rhn1r Rhen Var: Harbor CW
rhn2a Rhen Var: Citadel GCW
rhn2c Rhen Var: Citadel CW
tat1i Tatooine: Dune Sea GCW
tat1r Tatooine: Dune Sea CW
tat2i Tatooine: Mos Eisley GCW
tat2r Tatooine: Mos Eisley CW
yav1c Yavin IV: Temple CW
yav1i Yavin IV: Temple GCW
yav2i Yavin IV: Arena GCW
yav2r Yavin IV: Arena CW

Start the server

To start using the launcher, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have installed it on a location you find it.
  2. Run the launcher.ps1 script.

Config changes:

Changes to server.config and maps.configare detected every 5 Minutes and will be applied on next server start or crash recover. For changes to launcher.config.json you need to stop the Server and the launcher first.

Discord Integration

If you want to enable Discord integration, you'll need to create a bot and find the channel ID. Here's how: Important The info here was wrong. Dont create a bot. Instead create a web hook.

Setting up the webhook

  1. Go to your discord server
  2. Click on the arrow next to the server name (very top)

This dropdown should appear: Dropdown

  1. Now click on Server Setting
  2. Below Apps click on Integrations
  3. Now select Webhooks
  4. Create your webhook: Webhook Settings

This is where you select a name, profile picture and a target channel for your "bot". 7. When done: Click on Copy Webhook Url and paste it into the the config value in launcher.config.json under launchOptions -> discord -> webookUrl


Can I use the launcher for SWBF II Classic?

Technically yes. But you have to configure it all by yourself including the map translations, folder suffix and the executable name.

Why the auto restart?

The server process sometimes freezed and the server was gone due to it even the server windows was fully accsible. A restart every 24 Hours solved this issue.

How to contribute

You can create pull request for changes you find usefull. If youre not into programming Im more than happy with a small paypal donation. :-)

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