This is a collection of Python Jupyter Notebooks for Structural Geology, and especially for my Bachelor course Structural Geology. The material is organized as:
- Data in the data folder
- Figures in the figures folder
- Functions in the functions folder
- Notebooks in the notebooks folder
The best way to run the notebooks is in VSCode. Note that in VSCode you will need to install the Python and Jupyter extensions. And of course you will need a Python distribution, the base environment of the Anaconda distribution works fine.
The list of notebooks is as follows:
- Orientation
- Vectors
- Vector operations
- Three points problem
- Thickness
- Outcrop trace
- Rule of Vs
- Downplunge projection
- Rotations
- Lines in the stereonet
- Planes in the stereonet
- Small circles in the stereonet
- A full stereonet
- Uncertainties
- Cylindrical best fit
- Best-fit plane
- Infinitesimal strain
- Finite strain
- Pure shear
- Simple shear
- General shear
- Mohr Circle for finite strain
- The Fry method
- Stress
- Mohr Circle for stress
- Normal and shear tractions on plane
- Mohr Circle for stress in 3D
- Slip tendency
- The failure envelope
- Which fault is more likely?
- Faults and stress magnitudes
- P and T axes
- Dip isogons
- Fault bend folds
- Fixed axis fault propagation folds
- Parallel fault propagation folds
- Trishear fault propagation folds
- Tectono-sedimentary model
- Seismic imaging
- Stress polygon
I will keep adding notebooks. If you have any questions, please contact me at nestor.cardozo@uis.no.
Last update: March. 19, 2025